Grade 9 News

Nothing Says Christmas like a good ole Limerick, so here’s a sample of some Holiday Limericks written by the Grade Nine class.

Grade nine is surprisingly fun
Our classes can’t be out done
I’m so glad I’m in it
I love every minute
It’s too bad that Christmas
has come.
By: Erika

The New Year is about to come
For the tests their will be a ton
Grade 9 is a blast
But it’s going too fast
2013 will be fun.
By: Luke

On Christmas, there’s presents galore,
We open them and sit on the floor,
The presents are open
But still I am hopin,
That Mom and Dad bought me some more.
By: Jackson and the Math Club

Oh Grade nine. There’s nothing above it.
Disagree and I’ll tell you to shove it!
I’ll stand in the hall
And yell out for all!
“I love it, I Love it! I Love it!”
By: Jesse

Happy Holidays from the Grade Nines!