Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We are currently enjoying some warmer weather with lots of snow. Outside time has been very fun!

The Ks have been busy with:

  • ELA
    • Animated Literacy -Reader’s Workshop
  • Math
    • going on shape hunts around the school
    • exploring and building basic shapes
    • Quick Draw (exploring shapes)

The 1s are busy with:

  • ELA
    • Lips
    • Reader’s and Writer’s Work- shop
  • Math
    • numbers from 0-100 -number sense

Together we are learning about:

  • our families
  • street safety (including stranger safety)
  • being kind
  • Phys. Ed:
    • cooperative games
    • rolling, kicking, and throwing balls

Skating was so much fun on the 13th. We’ll try to go again be- fore it gets too warm!
Just a reminder that K-5 Report Cards go home at the beginning of March.
As always, pop in to see us any time!

The K/1s and Mrs. Martineau