In Grade 8 I.A., the boys have chosen and are fine tuning their woods projects. In Grade 8 Home Ec. the girls are starting to sew their pajama pants. Math is still working on a large unit on ratios, rates, and percentages. In Science, the class is looking at the properties of fluids, in- cluding buoyancy, density and viscosity. In Social Studies the
students have been researching and creating their own countries and governments. In ELA they are finishing a novel study on “The Giver” and about to start a Creative Writing Unit. In Health class some students continue to do homework on Decision Making. We have begun to study about school skills that transfer to the work-force world. In Physical Education we have started Track and Field. We are playing some modified Slow-Pitch games now that the outdoors has finally warmed up. The last set of fitness tests begin in early June.