September 2011 Grade 10 News

Well, school is back in and the Grade Tens are already hip deep in learning! Classes are in full swing, and students are actually finding some time to study in between football, volleyball, cross-country, soccer and golf. So far, the students have been working on proportional reasoning and pricing (including exchanging currencies and wondering why products in the US are so much cheaper, even though our dollar is worth more) in Math. In ELA, Megiddo’s Shadow has been the focus, a book about Edward, a young man who has lost his brother and mother and then finds himself fighting the Huns in World War I. Science has been all about the environment and sustainability. They’ve faced the question: What would the world look like if every human were to disappear? Home Ec has had a different bent, looking at canning and preserves. In IA, kids have been planning for their projects and waiting for their wood to arrive, while Mr. T and Mr. C shows them all the tricks of the cabinet maker’s trade. Political Philosophies have been the focus in Social. In Wellness, students have been examining health related fitness topics, and then getting active playing Matt Ball. And finally, Driver’s Ed has our parents and teachers kind of freaked out, but they’re not letting us drive until we know where the brakes and steering wheel are – as well as the signal lights, windshield washer lever, seat belts, air bags, hazard lights, On Star support… It’s been a great start to the year! Special thanks to the grade 10 girls for their communal contributions.

June 2011 Grade 10 News

Wow, finally it feels like summer! We just have to finish all of our units in all of our classes, review and write final exams. Final Exams begin on Thursday June 23rd. We write our Math 10 Exam at 9a.m. that morning, our ELA B10 Exam on Friday June 24th at 9a.m., and our History 10 on Monday June 27th, also at 9a.m. Projects for Home Ec. and I.A are in the completion stage and we are enjoying the warm weather with physical activity in the outdoors for Phys. Ed. We wish everyone a warm, fun and fantastic summer! See you all in the new school year!

May 2011 Grade 10 News

We have had a very eventful May where we went on a 2 day leadership workshop to Shekinah. At Shekinah, we hiked, wall climbed, zip lined, and did various initiative tasks to strengthen our leadership and teamwork skills. We are still busy in our classes. In Phys. Ed we are working on our archery skills. In Home Ec. we continue with Commercial Cooking and in I.A. we are drawing outdoor elevations. In Math we are calculating slope. In ELA, we are doing picture videos, and in Social Studies we are making posters on the French Revolution.

Good luck to all Track and Field contenders!

March 2011 Grade 10

In math, we are working on polynomial and rational expressions. In ELA, we have just finished reading Of Mice and Men. In PAA, we are doing commercial cooking, and just finished a food handler’s course. In IA, we are finishing drafting our floor plans of our dream homes. In Wildlife Management, we just finished sleeping in our Quinzees. In Phys. Ed., we just started badminton. Last but not least, in Social Studies we are talking about the five main social institutions Government, Business, Labour, Media and Military.