Grade 12 News

The Grade 12’s are counting down the days until graduation! In Biology, we are starting the Genetics unit. In English, we have been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. In Gym, we have just finished fitness testing and are looking forward to being able to play outside in the nice weather. The Foundations 30 math class has been hard at work learning how to save for retirement. In Calculus, we are learning derivatives, while the Art class has been expanding their creativity. In Physics, we have just started the Work and Energy unit. -Teagan

Grade 12 News

The Grade 12’s are away this week for Work Experience and are excited to have another week immersed in the “real world”! Grad preparations are beginning to get underway and that is occupying much of their focus. In ELA, we have been working on self-reflective writing and studying literature from around the world. In Biology, the class has just written an exam on biochemistry, while in Physics, they are studying the laws of motion. Last, but certainly not least, in Calculus, they have been calculusing like crazy.

Grade 12 News

In ELA/Social Studies, we are in the midst of a Native Studies unit and learning about First Nations history and culture. In Chemistry, we have been working on solubility and its traits. In Pre-Calculus, we just wrote a chapter test and will be moving on to the next unit. The rest of the class is finishing up a chapter on Sine/Cosine laws in Workplace 30. In Home Economics, we are almost finished quilting, and the IA crew is busy with their woodworking projects.

-Taylor S.

Grade 12 News

So far the Grade Twelves have been working very hard this year. In Chemistry, we are fin- ishing up our Reaction Rates unit, while in English/Social Studies, we are continuing to read Three Day Road, by Joseph Boyden. In Pre-Calculus, we are currently working on Polynomic Division, and in Workplace Math we are playing Risk. In Home Ec we are making quilts, and lastly in IA we are making our personal projects.

Grade 12 News

The Grade Twelves are busy get-ting ready for graduation and getting out into the working world. In ELA, we just finished reading The Book of Negroes, and now we are working on speech writing. In Math Foundations, they’re learning how to graph equations while the girls complain about how much it sucks! In Calculus, we’re all loving the horrible realm of differentiation. In biology we’re learning about how our genes affect who we are, while in Physics we’re shocked by the amazing world of electricity. Finally in Art, we’re going crazy with Photography and our own independent projects!

Grade 12 News

March has rolled around and our graduation is coming fast. Soon the snow will be all gone and we will be one step closer to our big day. In ELA we’ve started reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Our Biology classes have been busy working on definitions and learning about cells, because that’s pretty much all bio ever is. The better half of our class en- joys gym class in 3rd period but all the others get to enjoy an hour of Mr. Herman in Foundations 30. The five of us who stick around for Calculus after lunch are having troubles learning the material, but we make the best of the time we have with Mr. Her- man. In Physics 30 we are finishing up our unit of distance, displacement, position, and time and look forward to a test in the near future.

Grade 12 News

In Bio, we are learning about biochemistry and the chemistry of life, while in Physics, we are developing our mathematical skills and starting the unit on motion. In English, we are learning to finally figure out our purpose in life. We have started to write about who we are, but we have come to the conclusion that as 18 year olds we do not know, and might never know, exactly who we are. In Foundations Math, we are learning about set theory and logic.

Grade 12 News

We are just hitting the end of semester one, and we could not be more excited! One more semester to go and we will see the end of our high school career! In English/History class, we are finishing up our course. We are reading a lot about the history of Batoche and the Metis, the Dirty 30’s, and anything else Mr. Kirk thinks is necessary to stuff into our brains. Ha ha. In Chemistry, we just finished up on our Acids
and Bases unit. Right before finals we are going to try to start another unit, just to make us students feel a little bit more stressed out. In Pre-Calculus 30, we have been trying to wrap up all our unit tests and get them corrected so we can start studying. We just finished chapter 8 and will be kind of working on chapter 9. In Home Ec, we have been learning a lot about our meats: beef, pork, poultry and fish. So far we have made meals out of a beef recipe and are still working on our other meat meals. We also have a test coming up on this unit so we should be meat professionals by Friday! And finally, in I.A the students have been finishing up their awesome wood projects.

Grade 12 News

Well, the year is already flying by with volleyball and football wrapped up for the season! In English, we have been busy working on the history of First Nations people in Canada, and how Canada came to be. Chemistry has been a busy class filled with many different concepts, such as thermodynamics, equilibrium, and reaction rates. In Pre-Calculus, we have been working on understanding trig identities, and the Workplace 30 class has been learning about geometry. The IA class has been working very hard on perfecting their individual projects; they all look amazing! The Home Economics class has been spending their time working on knitting, crocheting, and sewing for their individual projects; they are coming together quite nicely. The first round of Work Ed is coming up soon; we wish all the grade 12’s a great experience with possible careers in their future. Good luck!


Grade 12 News

The Grade 12 class has been reading Three Day Road in ELA/ Social Studies, which incorporates both First Nations culture and Canadian history.. We are finishing off the first unit in Pre-Calculus, in which encompasses all three of the first chapters. In Chemistry, we are studying thermodynamics, as well as applying it to some cool heat related labs. In Home Ec, the photography and budgeting units have been wrapped up and we are all excited for our personal projects, as well as some Halloween themed events. This, our final year, has been a blast thus far.

We’re all very excited for what else this academic year has to offer. – Anita