Grade 7 News

The year is quickly wrapping up! We are just beginning a unit on poetry in English, a unit on Data and Statistics in math, the Earth and its Resources in Science, and a First Nations unit in Social. We are a busy bunch! By the end of the year we will have worked hard to enough to have earned our year-end trip!

We will continue our fundraising efforts with the Children’s Carnival and Sock Hop on May 18th, from 4:00pm – 7:00 pm. All funds raised from this venture will be used to offset costs for our field trip to Blue Mountain on June 15th. Please come out and support our Grade 7s as they have planned an amazing event. There will be a fish pond, hockey shoot, basketball shoot, cake walk, bowling and bean bag toss. There are prizes for each event. Also, we will welcome Inline Tattoos for the evening. Inline Tattoos will provide airbrushed tattoos for $5.00 each. These tattoos last for days and have brilliant colours! Hotdogs, pop, iced tea, and baking will be available through the concession.

In closing, I am looking forward to winding up the year on a positive note!

Grade 7 News

Grade 7 continues to be a busy year! We are finishing up our literature circles in English, while in math we have finished our unit on measurement. We will soon be exploring exponents in math. Science has us wrapping up our solutions and mixtures unit, and in social we will begin our exploration of Saskatchewan and Canada’s First Nations.

We will be having a Float Sale next week to help in raising funds for our year end trip to Blue Mountain. The Kids Carnival/Sock Hop we had originally scheduled for April 20th, will be postponed until May 18th.

Report cards recently went out. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Grade 7 News

Spring has sprung and we couldn’t be happier in Grade 7! Our month has been a busy one! In ELA we are continuing to explore our novels in Literature Circles, in math we have begun a unit in Measurement, Science has us looking at mixtures and solutions, and social is reflecting about resources and management.

I would like to take this time to thank all the families of the Grade 7 students for providing our class with amazing treats for our potluck! The efforts and involvement of the students and families are greatly appreciated! We will be doing some fundraising in the next few weeks. We will be having a bake sale on March 22 and a float sale the following week. We are raising funds to purchase prizes for a Sock Hop/Carnival the Grade 7s are planning for April 20. The funds raised during the carnival will help to offset costs of our year end trip to Blue Mountain.  More information about the Sock Hop/Carnival and year end trip will be sent out later this month.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school. The phone number is 544-2511, or I can be reached via email:

Tri-Conferences are next week and I look forward to meeting with many of the parents to discuss their child’s successes and progress this year.  If you would like to meet with me, please contact Carey Block at the school and she can schedule a space/time for us to meet. Take care and enjoy the weather!

Grade 7 News

We are well on our way into the third quarter of the year!  The year is flying by.  We had a fabulous time at Table Mountain in January – great weather, awesome kids, fabulous chaperones, and a wonderful bus driver!  Thank you to all who attended and/or contributed to the day. I know the class and I are already looking forward to our Blue Mountain trip in June.

Academically, we have been busy!  Math has our class exploring Decimals, and in English, we are just beginning our Challenges Literature Circles. In social class, we are doing a comparative study between Russia and Canada.  We are currently focusing on the physical geography aspect of this study.  Finally, in science, we are investigating Mixtures and Solutions!

Tri-Conferences are to be held in March.  If you would like to see me regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to call the office for an appointment. As always, please call me if you have any questions or concerns (544-2511).

Grade 7 News

After a very mild introduction to winter, it looks like things could remain chilly for the next week or two. However, things are still warm and cozy in the Grade 7 classroom! We are beginning to look at a thematic unit in ELA: Challenges. We will discuss, explore and delve into challenges literary characters are faced with, as well as reflect upon our own. We are currently studying decimal fractions in math. Social has us investigating Russia, and in Science, we will be experimenting with some mixtures and solutions.

January 27th is our scheduled ski day at Table Mountain. Look for a note to come home in the next day or two which will outline our day. We will be looking for several parent volunteers to join us on our adventure. If you are interested, please give me a call at the school. The class participated in a Prairie Meats fundraiser last week. All orders will be ready for pick up at the school on January 19 at noon. Please ensure you have made arrangements to have your child’s orders picked up at this time. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success. Finally, I look forward to wrapping up our first semester! Report cards will be out shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and we can make arrangements to meet. Thanks to all the parents and families for their support and positive contributions thus far. 2012 is shaping up to be a great


Grade 7 News

The grade 7 classroom is full of excitement for this Christmas Season! I just know all the kids are on Santa’s “Nice” list! However, along with all the happiness, we are sad to see our intern, Mrs. Kinzel, wrap up her time with us. She has been a pleasure to have around and her positive and outgoing spirit will be missed. Thanks for everything, Mrs. Kinzel! Good luck in your future career!

We have been working through fractions in math and “What’s so Funny?” in English. In social, we are beginning a new unit that will explore political, economic and social influences on the quality of one’s life. In science, we have just wrapped up Characteristics of Life. We have been working hard and have earned out Christmas Break!

In January, we are planning on going to Table Mountain for a day of downhill skiing! We are tentatively booked for January 27th, but depending on the amount of snow, we may need to postpone. Nevertheless, the Grade 7s will be fundraising for this outing. We will be selling Prairie Meats as a fundraiser. We will begin this fundraiser shortly after we return from Christmas Break. On January 17th, the Outreach Program from the Saskatchewan Science Centre will be in Hanley to work with our K-7 students. Each age group will be taking part in age appropriate science explorations! More information will be sent home early in the New Year.

In closing, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas. May your lives be filled with Blessings and all the best to you and yours in the coming New Year! As always, please do not hesitate to call me should you have any ques- tions or concerns. I can be reached at the school, 544-2511, or by email.

Grade 7 News

In ELA the grade 7’s are finishing up their Dust novel study with a Skype interview with the author himself, Arthur Slade. Then they will be starting their “Why so serious?” unit which combines a delightful use of humour with captivating stories. Looking forward to some good laughs and great work! In science the students are beginning to learn about why matter and energy are necessary in all ecosystems. In social studies they are in the thick of things learning about conflict, cooperation and interdependence in North America. I, Mrs. Kinzel, have recently started teaching the last of Mrs. Bain’s grade 7 classes, math. In math the students have started some review with factors and multiples and will soon be moving to decimals, fractions and percentages. I guarantee 100% fun!

Mrs. Bain and Mrs. Kinzel

Grade 7 News

The year is flying by and the Grade 7 class has been amaz- ingly busy! Currently, the Grade 7s are studying the nov- el, Dust, by Saskatoon author, Arthur Slade. It is a tale of mystery and suspense! So far, the students seem to enjoy it. In Math, students are wrap- ping up their first unit of Patterns and Relations. We have been exploring variables, pattern recognition and the use of manipulatives. Science has the students investigating ecosystems and living organisms. A special thanks to Mrs. Prakash, our senior science teacher, who ordered agar petri dishes for us. We hope to be scouring the school for samples of micro-organisms within the next week; with Halloween around the corner, who knows what kinds of scary things we might find! In Social, the class is studying “Canada’s Pacific Neighbour, Mexico”.

Interim reports went out last week. These reports give you a quick picture of how your child is progressing so far this year. If you have not received your child’s reports, please contact me as soon as possible. I can be reached by phone (544-2511) or via e-mail.

Our first field trip of the year was an absolute success! Students took part in team and relationship building. We went bowling, had a quick lunch, and finally wrapped up the day with swimming and water- sliding. I must say, I am truly enjoying the year so far . Thanks for all the parental support and the positive efforts of all the students. Let’s continue the amazing work!

September 2011 Grade 7 News

The year has begun wonderfully! The students are bright, energetic and a pleasure to work with. We have a few events on our horizon. On September 22nd we will be having a Float sale to help offset costs of our first field trip. We will be travelling to Saskatoon to bowl and swim on October 5. We will be travelling by bus and will return before the end of the day. On Sept. 22, we will be having a “Meet the Staff” night. It is always a great opportunity to get together and enjoy some social time. You have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and visit the staff who works with your child. On Sept. 28, we have our Terry Fox Day.

Academically, we have begun to look at Patterns and Relations in math, Science Fiction in English, Characteristics of Life in science, and we are currently working on mapping in social. We have a busy year ahead of us!

Joining us until Christmas, is Mrs. Kinzel. She is an intern from the University and a welcome addition to our room! Her enthusiasm and energy are a definite asset to our daily routines!

As always, should you have any question or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school, 544-2511 or via e-mail ( It’s going to be an amazing year!

June 2011 Grade 7 News

The year is slowly coming to a close. The weather is warming up, and as a result, our classroom has become a sauna! The students are holding up well, but are definitely looking forward to the summer holidays. We have just begun a review of the year’s math concepts. The students will be writing a year end exam later next week. In ELA we are revisiting some grammar concepts. Needless to say, the kids are loving it!!
The Grade 7 orientation for Dundurn and Hanley Grade 6 students will take place on June 22, from 9:30 – 12:00. And finally, our year end trip is right around the corner: June 24th…Blue Mountain, here we come! Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing, a bagged lunch, plenty of water, and money for supper. Thanks to the Moms who volunteered to chaperone our trip: Mrs. Wasmuth, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Richards, and Mrs. Presnell. It should be awe- some! We look forward to creating some fantastic memories and setting a positive tone for the summer.