Grade 8

We have had a busy start to May! There are a lot of events happening around the school and in our classes. In Science, we are working the construction of our cardboard boats for the upcoming races. In Social Studies, we are spending time perfecting our business plans for the Business Fair we are hosting at the end of the month. In Math, we are creating board games to review the concepts we have studied so far this year. In ELA, we are finishing up our novel study of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Industrial Arts has us busy constructing our paddles and in Home Economics we are getting ready to sew our PJ pants. We are looking forward to all of the fun things happening around our school this month!

Grade 8

There are lots of great things happening in the grade 8 classes as we start this new semester. In Phys. Ed we are working on a Badminton unit and playing various sportsmanship activities and games. In Health, we have started a unit that discusses the services available to communities infected with, and affected by, non-curable infections and diseases. In ELA, the class is working through a novel study on The Giver. In math, we are wrapping up our unit on Measurement and will begin a unit on rational numbers and problem solving shortly. In Home Ec. we are doing a kitchen basics review to get ready to work in the labs and in IA we are developing our isometric drawing skills. We are busy learning about forces, fluids and density in Science and in Social Studies we are ready to present the companies we have created in hopes of landing some investors. We are looking forward to all of the fun things happening around our school this month!

Grade 8

It has been another busy month for the grade 8 class. In Math, we finished our unit on integers and are currently refreshing fraction basics and conversions. In ELA, the class has wrapped up their novel study on The Outsiders. We are now moving on to a look at the theme of “Social Justice”. We are busy learning about the sewing machines in Home Ec. and designing and building paddles in Industrial Arts. In Career Ed, we are doing a series of small research assignments on workers rights, protections, and safety (WCB, LSA, OH&S). In PE, we have finished our fitness testing, fall games, and volleyball units. We have now started a basketball skills unit. In Science, we just finished a unit on cells and body tissues and in Social Studies we are starting a unit on the land and history of Canada . We are looking forward to what the rest of November has in store for us!

Grade 8

It has been a busy month around the school with all of the extra-curricular activities that are going on! We have been working hard in our classes as well. We have been studying the novel, The Outsiders, in ELA. In math, we just wrapped up our unit on square roots and the Pythagorean theorem. We are moving on to integers. In Home Ec. we are starting a baking basics unit and are spending time learning about the function of different ingredients. In Industrial Arts, we are busy learning about computer aided design. In Science, we are researching body systems and in Social we are continuing the discussion about culture, multiculturalism and immigration. We are talking about opportunities for bright futures in Career Ed and in Phys. Ed we are learning about football and practicing different skills. We are looking forward to all of the upcoming events happening around the school!

Grade 8

In Math, the class is starting to review this year’s concepts. In ELA, the class is working on the novel “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. In Art, we are still working on a drama unit and are filming our own plays. In Health, the class just finished learning about healthy decisions related to violence. Discuss ways to determine when support is needed, and will soon be starting a body image and self-esteem unit. Social – They are working on building their own businesses and will be taking part in a Hanley School Business Fair tentatively set for May 12th. In Home Ec., the class has started a sewing basics unit. They are learning how to use a sewing machine and will be starting a rice bag sewing project very soon! In PE, the class has just finished badminton and fitness testing and will be beginning an Archery Unit, mixed in with Track and Field events (weather permitting). Science – They have finished optics and vision and are just starting forces, fluids, and density.

Grade 8

In Physical Education the students are going to start working on individual Badminton skills and rules, then some Badminton games, while still occasionally including some basketball and floor hockey games. In Art, the students are working though a Drama unit where the students are developing characters and will soon be doing some script writing! In Home Ec the students are reviewing Kitchen Basics and will be learning about the different types of flour mixtures and the function of ingredients. In Social Studies, the students are finishing up Land Use and History of Canada. The students are working on Optics and vision in Science. In Health class the students are working on an understanding of the impact of violence on the well -being of oneself, family, and community. In Grade 8 I.A., they are working on drafting Isometric projections. In ELA the class has just finished looking at Solomon Cleaver’s retelling of Les Mis, Jean Val Jean. Mrs. Bain was surprised by how much many of the students enjoyed it! The responses and connections made were outstanding. The students will be looking at a DVD of the musical Les Mis. Meanwhile, in Math, the students are quickly wrapping up their unit on Measurement.

Grade 8

In Physical Education the students are finishing up Term 2 Fitness Testing and playing several games including some floor hockey. In Industrial Arts, the students are rushing to finish their woods projects. Most students are staining and getting ready to mount the mirrors into frames. In Career Ed the students have finished learning about Concussions and working on Goal Setting. In ELA the students have wrapped up their novel study of The Giver. All students showed wonderful insight and critical thinking skills for this unit! I am very proud of them! The students will be viewing Oliver Twist and exploring the relationship between environment and its influence on potential and the human condition. While in Math 8 the students have finished their unit on rates and proportions. The students have just begun their study of measurement, area, volume and capacity. In past years, students have built a strong foundation in these concepts and I am confident we will see fabulous success! In Science the students are studying Optics and vision, specifically reflection and curved mirrors. The students in Social are looking at the influence of American pop culture on Canada. In Home Ec. the students are busy hemming their pj pants. In Art the students have started a drama unit by doing some improvisation games and character building.

Grade 8

The Grade 8s have been working hard and are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas break! The students have been working towards mastering ratios and proportions in math. Meanwhile, in ELA, the class has been exploring a novel study of The Giver. The students have been participating wonderfully and seem to really enjoy the novel so far. Science has the class exploring “Optics and Vision”; it’s been quite the eye opener! In social class, students have been investigating events that have changed Canada. Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Best Wishes to everyone!

Grade 8

In Math 8 we are refreshing concepts with fractions, decimals and percentages. We need to master these skills in order to move on to our study of rates, ratios and propor-tions. In ELA the students are wrapping up its exploration of “Social Justice”. We will soon be discussing the elements of a “Perfect Society”. The Science class is finishing wrapping up “Cells, Organs, and Tissues.” In IA 8 the class is beginning their wood projects, such as mirrors. The Health class is playing The Real Game Online where we explore the world of work with an imaginary job, deductions and living expenses. All the while, paying for our chosen lifestyle but staying within our budget. In Art class we are working on perspective drawing, while in Home Ec. we are finishing up a rice bag project and are getting excited to start our PJ pants!!

Grade 8

In Art class, the 8’s are making beautiful art out of simple 1 inch black lines.
Home Ec. we are learning to sew with the machine.
In Science, the unit of study is Cells, Organs, and Tissues.
Social studies is looking specifically at Canadian Culture
and multiculturalism.
In Health students are learning about their own personal skills, traits and characteristics and how they relate to career options.
In PE the students are working on increasing our activity levels, volleyball skills, all the while trying to sneak in those summer/fall activities
outside before the weather turns too cold on us.
Math has students exploring “Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem”.
Meanwhile, in ELA, the students are currently working on their first thematic unit, “On the Edge of Survival”.