Grade 7 News

Another year has begun and the adventure is upon us! It has been wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to meet new people. Our class this year is made up of 25 amazing students! They are hard working, kind and funny. We are currently exploring sustainability in ELA, whole numbers review and pre-algebra substitution in math, and basic mapping skills in Social Studies.

I am currently planning our first field trip of the year. In early October, the Grade 7s will be venturing to the city to swim and bowl as part of our team building goal for the year. We will be doing some fundraising to help offset the cost of the trip. Please keep your eyes peeled for more information about the trip and fundraising in the weeks to come.

We have an intern working with us this term. Her name is Nicole Andre and she has already been busy

building relationships, coaching, and teaching the Grade 7 ELA. We are both excited about this term and the successes we are sure to see. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of us at the school (306-544-2511). We can also be reached via email: or


Grade 5 & 6 News

What a beautiful start to a new school year. In the grade 5/6 room we are diving into a lot of things. In ELA we are learning about Messag- es. In Social Studies we have been studying maps about Canada and around the world. We are observing several living things in Science. Healthy lifestyles is the focus in Health. We are staying active in Phys. Ed. with a variety of games and activities. When we can get out and observe the world around us, we will take the opportunity to do a bit of learning outside the classroom.

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 5/6 class.

Grade 3 & 4 News

It has been a great start to the year and I am excited to be joining the Grade 3/4 class for part of this school year! We have a bunch of exciting things happening right now. In ELA, we are working on a unit called “My Friends and I”. In Math, both Grade 3 and 4 classes are exploring different kinds of patterns. In Science, we are learning about structures and have been on several structure hunts around the school! In Social Studies, we are exploring our world and trying to learn a bit about our new friend Windy’s previous home in China! We have also done a few fun Arts Ed. projects and will be bringing home our letter hangings at the end of September. The Grade 3/4 class is an energetic group who are showing their excitement for learning new things each day. I am looking forward to spending the next few months together!

Miss Adelman


Grade 1 & 2 News

It’s been a great couple of weeks back at school! The students are settling into a nice routine. In ELA, we are spending September reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds, numbers, and colours. We are starting to learn sight words, which will be written in the planners every week so that you can focus on those words at home as well; there will be five new words each week that both grades will learn to read. The grade two’s did awesome on their first spelling test last week….what a good start to the year! Starting next week, the grade two’s are going to be picking some chapter books from the library for home reading. The grade one’s will be bringing a notebook home from time to time called “My First Stories” where they can show off some of their new reading skills! In math, the grade one’s are learning about patterns with Mr.  Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are learning about patterns with me. We are starting a unit on Senses in science, Safety in health, as well as Belonging in Our World for social studies. Please feel free to pop in for a visit if you have any questions or concerns!


Grade 12 News

Finally, school comes to an end, and for us it will be our last month in Hanley School forever. We have been busy getting ready for Grad, but now that it is over, we get to focus on our stud- ies once again. And what do our studies consist of? Learning on our own, basically. We have been doing Independent Research Projects in all of our classes, except for Phys Ed and ELA, the class in which we dabbled in the world of Shakespeare and read Hamlet.

Now we face the world full of ambitions, waiting to see what we will become! To be, or not to be, that is the question!

– Alexander

Grade 11 News

Grade 11’s are splitting their time between studying for finals and wakeboarding. Not a bad life! Hard to believe we will be going into our grade 12 year. We wish everyone a Warm, Fun and Fantastic Summer! See you all in the new school year!

Grade 10 News

Well, we’re almost at the end of the year! The grade 10’s are hunkering down to study for their final exams in most clas- ses. There’s still some things going on that don’t involve noses pressed deep into textbooks, while pens hastily scrawl notes for later perusal (ok, so mostly they’re just texting each other and googling answers they’re not sure of, watching the odd You Tube clip – finals have changed a bit over the years, I guess…). Anyway, in Social, they’re playing The Game, which involves trying to take over the world, or at least take someone with you, if you go out in a blaze of glory. In IA, they’re working on house wir- ing and the Home Ec class just wrapped up with a delectable meal of ribs! Good luck on finals!

Grade 9 News

Well, the Grade 9 camping trip has come and gone. It was amazing. Thank you to all of the chaperones who came with us. You worked hard and we know this trip cannot happen without you. Thanks also to Harold who drives a bus like no one else. School itself continues to be invigorating even though Spring fever has hit hard. In ELA, we have had some very interesting discussions and worked through some fascinating case studies about people who were faced with incredible choices in Nazi Germany. What is the difference between a child soldier in Sierra Leone and a Hitler Youth member in World War II? Why do we feel so differently about them? Our Sunflower study has really challenged us. In Social Studies we’re learning about globalization. Where in the world would be the best place to build a chocolate bar factory? We based our decision on availability and cost of resources, as well as labour costs and ethical practices. Pretty fascinating. In Health class, we continue talking about Adolescent issues and relationships. Math has us looking and working with the basics of angles, circles and trigonometry. Good stuff. Science has us looking at cells, the building blocks of life. It’s been a great year and we thank all the teachers and staff for making it so. See you next year!

Grade 8 News

In grade 8, in the month of June, many interesting events have occurred. In Science ,the grade 8’s went to Harry Bailey Centre to compete in the boat races. In English, they had an assignment to create 5 creative pieces of writing. In Math, we have been discovering the mysteries of distributive property, also known as beginning Algebra. The Social class have been learning about our countries government. Health has us doing career education, which will be presenting to our parents later. In Art, we’ve finished our class pointillism project which worked in conjunction with our science unit to build and design creative structures.

Grade 6 News

The grade 6 class is very ex- cited for summer and looking forward to a wonderful holiday. We had a wonderful trip to Moose Jaw with the grade 6 class from Dundurn. It was fantastic! We have been training for the upcoming triathlon. We have been wrapping up several units in Math, Social, Science, ELA, Health and Art. We are just finishing up the Tunnels of Time book. We have scheduled our year end party for Tuesday June 25. It will be a lot of fun! Have a great summer!

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class