June 2011 Grade 3 & 4 News

I can hardly believe that we are in our last month of school! Time really does fly when you’re having fun! It has been such a pleasure to work with this group of students again this year. They are a funny, caring and a very capable bunch of individuals. I am definitely going to miss them! I would also like to say how great it has been getting to know all you parents. I have appreciated your support, advice and patience during our time together. I wish you all a wonderful summer and good luck during the 2011-2012 school year.
June will be a busy time, so bear with us, and feel free to call or write anytime with questions or concerns.

Here’s what we have on the go right now:
ELA – We are doing lots or writing during ELA. We are also working on our pioneers unit. Our last few spelling tests have been interesting – the kids get to pick the words. We’re hop- ing that this helps us to expand our vocabularies. We are also preparing feverishly for our Literacy Fair on June 23!
Social Studies – As afore mentioned, we are working on our pioneers unit. It was SO great to get to Pioneer Days at the WDM and actually try out some of the chores we have been read- ing about. Milking a cow is not as easy as it sounds! We are really looking forward to doing some beadwork with Ms. Rancourt during the First Nations portion of this unit.
Math – The grade 4s are working on long division and multiplication of longer numbers. The grade 3s have finished up multiplication and division and have moved on to data management. Please see the attached calendar for upcoming test dates.
Phys-Ed – We’ve been practicing some soccer skills as well as a few track and field events. We’re also doing some swimming lessons.
Science à Each student is researching the topic of their choice for a “Did You Know” book.

June 2011 Grade 1&2 News

The countdown until summer holidays is on…only two weeks to go! We are continuing to work hard finishing up our units for this year. The grade one’s have been learning about addition and subtraction to twenty with Mr. Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s have been learning about addition and subtraction to one hundred with me. We have lots going on with science! As a class, we are learning about magnets. The grade two’s are also working on a research project learning about various habitats with Mrs. Harder. Once their reports and diorama’s are complete, they will teach their habitat to the grade one’s. Meanwhile, the one’s have finished a short unit on movement and are learning about plant growth. In health, we continue to learn about the food groups and are beginning to learn about our bodies and making healthy choices. In social studies, we will be talking about decision making within our families, the school, and in our community. Our Flat Stanley’s have almost all arrived as well! We can hardly wait to open them once they all return to school and learn about the communities that they visited. In ELA, we have finished our guided reading centers, printing, sight words, and spelling for the year. We will continue to work on reading, writing, and phonics skills for the next couple of weeks. It’s been a wonderful year with this class. Thank you to all parents for your support and assistance throughout the year. I hope everyone has a fun filled, relaxing, safe summer!

Elementary Swimming Lessons Dates

*Please note that these times indicate when your students should be on deck ready to get in the water!

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 Day 3

  • Grade 1 @ 1:45pm
  • Grade 2 @ 1:15pm
  • Grade 3 @ 11:45am
  • Grade 4 @ 11:15am
  • Grade 5 @ 10:15am
  • Grade 6 @ 9:15am
  • Kindergarten @ 9:45 am (Intro to water)

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 Day 4

  • Grade 1 @ 1:45pm
  • Grade 2 @ 1:15pm
  • Grade 3 @ 11:45am
  • Grade 4 @ 11:15am
  • Grade 5 @ 10:15am
  • Grade 6 @ 9:45am

May 2011 Grade 12 News

Wow! I can’t believe it’s May already. The snow is gone, the sun is out, and we are all getting excited to graduate. Unfortunately, we still have a few more weeks before freedom and have to finish our classes. In gym class, we have all started archery and are all beginning to feel more like Robin Hood. Ms. Prakash has us all working hard in Physics and Chemistry so that our brains are full of information on Acids, Bases, Energy, Work and much more. To read or not to read, that is the question in ELA, as we are reading Shakespeare’s classic, Hamlet. In Calculus, otherwise known as “oh man, this math is hard” class, we are trucking along and starting a new unit, and in Law, we are learning about Family Law (so we now know how much our parents rooked us as kids!)


May 2011 Grade 11 News

This year is going by so fast! It’s hard to believe that we are already into May! In Physics, we have just finished the beginning of our unit on Light. We all passed the test with flying colours. In I.A. we have been continuously working on our sheds, or as Mr. Tyndall says, “the houses”. In Media Studies we have been working hard on our movies and moving on to advertising. In Home Ec., we have started our clothing unit. We have been having a blast in Phys. Ed. playing handball and doing archery. In Math we are learning all about logarithms and in History we are working on displays about WW2.

May 2011 Grade 10 News

We have had a very eventful May where we went on a 2 day leadership workshop to Shekinah. At Shekinah, we hiked, wall climbed, zip lined, and did various initiative tasks to strengthen our leadership and teamwork skills. We are still busy in our classes. In Phys. Ed we are working on our archery skills. In Home Ec. we continue with Commercial Cooking and in I.A. we are drawing outdoor elevations. In Math we are calculating slope. In ELA, we are doing picture videos, and in Social Studies we are making posters on the French Revolution.

Good luck to all Track and Field contenders!

May 2011 Grade 9 News

Well it’s that time of year again. The snow is gone, the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. That must mean the annual Grade nine canoe trip is approaching. We embark on our journey to Canada’s great north on May 31st and we shall not return until June the 2nd. Oh boy oh boy, we can hardly sleep. Parents, please get the permission slips and money in to Mr. Graham ASAP.

In the meantime, we are trying our best to concentrate on our indoor education. In Art and Social Studies we have been hired by a wealthy medieval Baron and have been commissioned to build him a castle to his very uptight specifications. ELA has us venturing into literary masterpieces such as Aesop’s Fables and George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Wait until you see the incredible doors we painted in Mrs. Bain’s class! You will be so proud.
In Health class we have been talking about gambling and gambling addictions as well as looking ahead with some career planning. You should see the archery set up in the gym! Archery in gym class! Could it get any sweeter? In Math class, we have been having a hilarious time solving equations. Thanks to Mrs. Harder for her seamless transitioning. Mr. Herman has us doing presentations on our favorite elements in Science. How can you pick a favorite? I love them all…except Balonium. Gross.

Thanks for everything everybody

May 2011 Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are completing current events and preparation for our year-end trip. In Physical Education we are doing track and field and archery (for the first time in our school). In Math and Science we are getting ready for the Cardboard Boat Races while in English we are reading a Poetry unit. In Health we are doing a Drug Unit. In Art we are doing a section on the Basics of Visual Art. In Industrial Arts we are working on our wood projects. Finally, in Home Ec. we are sewing our quilting pillows.

May 2011 Grade 7 News

The year is quickly wrapping up! The class has just finished an Equations section in math and have been working through the first section in Geometry. In ELA, we have been exploring the theme of “Looking Back”. On June 24, we will be heading to Blue Mountain Outdoor Adventure Park for our year end trip. The students will zip line, complete challenge courses, tackle the high ropes and participate in team activities. A letter will be sent home within the week. In order to help cover the cost of the trip, we will be fundraising. Our first fundraiser will be a Sundae Sale, and will take place early next week. Students have volunteered to bring smaller items to add to the sale. Please check with your child if he/she is to bring something.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school (544- 2511).

May 2011 Grade 5&6 News

After the Easter break the class is working toward Summer and the field trip season. Please be aware of permission forms coming home soon. The grade 5’s have been reading Hatchet and the Grade 6 class is currently reading Tunnels of Time. In Science the class is studying the Principles of Flight and making many paper airplanes along the way. In Social Studies the class is looking at the Ancient and modern Wonders of the World and Canada. Also, as the weather improves we will be looking to begin Track and Field as the students learn some of the events they will be able to compete in. Good luck to Kirsten and Jasmine who joined Track and Field this year and will travel on Wednesday, with the team to Griffiths Stadium to compete.

Looking forward, the Grade 6 class continues in their quest to find a travel ticket for their trip to Moose Jaw. The trip will coincide with the Tunnels of Time novel they are currently reading. The Grade 5 class will be looking to take a tour of Wanuskewin and find out how Saskatchewan’s original residents lived for thousands of years using their own style of technology based on the land and nature.