Saber Football Power Card

Here are just a few of the discounts you receive with the Saber Football Power Card:

  • ½ off coffee at Trailbreak Services
  • Free Teen Burger with Purchase of a Teen Burger Combo – A&W all Saskatoon Locations
  • Free Sandwich with purchase of same kind – Arby’s 146, 22nd st., Saskatoon
  • Free salad bar with purchase of salad bar and 2 drinks – Bonanza 8th street, Saskatoon

To purchase – see any team member or come to the school office

The deals are valid until September of 2013

Hamburger Sale Friday, April 27

The Football team will be doing a burger sale this Friday.  We only have a limited number of burgers (I believe it’s around 60 or so).  For this reason, we’re just doing it on a first come, first serve basis, no preorders.

Cheeseburgers are $3 apiece.  Come one, come all!


Community Barbeque and Triathlon Fundraiser!

When: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 5:30pm
Where: Hanley Composite School
What: Barbeque (Burgers, pop & chips)

Draw at 6:30pm


  • 1st Prize $500.00
  • 2nd Prize $300.00
  • 3rd Prize $100.00

Tickets available from any grade 1-6 student or Hanley staff member.