The grade 1/2’s have had lots of changes this month. The biggest change being that Mrs. Romanchuk going on maternity leave 2 weeks early, and Mrs. Moskalyk starting. We are settling in as a class together quite well. Both the grade 1’s and 2’s finished up their Math units on Patterns. In Language Arts we are starting up our Spelling programs, and continuing to perfect letter formation and writing paragraphs. In Science we continue to learn about the ‘Growth and Changes in Animals, and we look forward to learning all about Our Community in our upcoming Social Studies unit. We are all so excited for Halloween this month! -Mrs. Moskalyk
Category Archives: Newsletter
Grade 3
This month the grade 3’s are learning all about inquiry. We have discussed that we carry background knowledge with us, and that we need to ask deep questions in order to do quality research and gain information. By the end of the month, the grade 3’s will be ready to start their first Genius Hour projects! We have continued our soil study and have done a ton of fun hands-on activities. We investigated worms and learned how important insects and animals are for soil. We are also learning about soil erosion and the ways to protect Earth’s soils. This month Mrs. Koroll has given the grade 3’s a variety of geography challenges, where students must use their determination and group work skills to work together and solve. The 3’s have done great so far! In math, we have continued learning about numbers with Mrs. McCubbing and patterning with Mrs. Koroll. Soon we will be moving on to Measurement! This month in phys. Ed, we will begin to learn and practice dance and gymnastics along with the continuation of cooperative games. We are still creating beautiful fall art. We have used pastels, watercolour paints, and acrylic paints for a variety of art pieces. Since it seems as though winter is here to stay, we may have to soon move on to winter themed art projects! Stay warm everyone! Mrs. Koroll, Mrs. McCubbing & The Grade 3’s
Grade 4-6
The grade 4,5,6 class is very busy working on many items. We are almost finished the book, Pay it Forward. This has spurred some very good class discussions and I have read some very good responses. We have started a new unit about messages and how we communicate. We are almost finished our unit about the Solar System. We will be having a short quiz closer to the end of the unit. Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 4,5,6 class
Grade 7
Well October has certainly arrived with bluster and chill! Hopefully it warms up again and the kids can have a great Halloween. The students have been very busy in all of their classes. Students are wrapping up their exploration of science fiction in ELA, and will begin a novel study of Arthur Slade’s book, Dust. We are venturing into our math unit on “Patterns and Relations”. Currently, we will be tackling the variable! In social studies we will be studying “Conflict, Cooperation, and Interdependence”. The class is wrapping up their first science unit of the year. Tri-conferences are being held on October 18 and 19. I look forward to meeting with the students and their parents/guardians. I hope you can make it out. In closing, please feel free to contact me at school should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.
Grade 8
It has been a busy month around the school with all of the extra-curricular activities that are going on! We have been working hard in our classes as well. We have been studying the novel, The Outsiders, in ELA. In math, we just wrapped up our unit on square roots and the Pythagorean theorem. We are moving on to integers. In Home Ec. we are starting a baking basics unit and are spending time learning about the function of different ingredients. In Industrial Arts, we are busy learning about computer aided design. In Science, we are researching body systems and in Social we are continuing the discussion about culture, multiculturalism and immigration. We are talking about opportunities for bright futures in Career Ed and in Phys. Ed we are learning about football and practicing different skills. We are looking forward to all of the upcoming events happening around the school!
Grade 9
The Grade 9 class has continued to be busy throughout the month of October. In ELA they have just completed writing and acting out their own scripts and have now started on speeches. In Social, they have been researching the effects of the European settlers on the FNMI people of Canada and are now moving onto constructing their own worldviews. Career Ed. has the class learning about various career paths through university and technical institutes. The students have just finished up a volleyball unit in Phys. Ed. and will soon begin fitness testing. Math is currently all about powers and numbers. The students continue to enjoy shop class where they have been busy with welding and small engines. The other half of the class has just started an egg and breakfast unit in Home Ec. That’s it for the month of October in the Grade 9 class of Hanley Composite School!
Grade 10
Well, the Grade 10’s have been working hard and getting tons done so far this year. In ELA, they’ve already finished the novel Indian Horse and written reviews on it, and are now researching and writing essays on historical figures. In Math they’re studying hard for their exam on earning a living, and more importantly, how much of the money they earn goes towards deductions like income tax and CPP. In IA, cabinet construction is well under way. In Home Ec they’ve been working on knife skills. Science has them studying population growth and the limiting factors that different environments put on growth. In Wellness they’ve been doing daily runs, as well as physical activity games like dodgeball. And in Drivers’ Ed, they’ve finished up their sign tests. Which means they’ll be driving soon – scarily, just in time for Hallowe’en!! Have a great month!
Grade 11
Wow, it looks like winter is upon us…way to early! Currently in our classes: English/History 20: currently studying trench warfare during the First World War. Remembrance Day programming will be next on the agenda. Physical Science 20: Waves Unit Exam this week and then starting reflection and refraction. Health Science 20: learning about different body systems with our first focus being on the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems. Environmental Science 20: we are studying aquatic systems and the pollutants that affect it. Foundations 20: proving and applying sine and cosine laws for obtuse triangles. Phys. Ed. 20: learning the fundamentals of basketball. Psychology 20: examining biological influences on psychology. Robotics 20: working on making reaction time testers with their robots.
Grade 12
Greetings from the Grade 12 Homeroom! The students of the Hanley grade 12 class continue working hard in their classes. In Social Studies 30, the grade 12s have finished the first unit on European colonization of Canada. We have just started the second unit on the forces of Confederation and Canadian government. In ELA 30, the students continue a Canadian Landscapes unit. We are studying texts and writing literature analysis essays. Ms. Prakash and the Chemistry 30 students are studying material science and intramolecular forces. Mr. Tyndall and the students in Construction 30 are beginning to construct their projects for the semester.