Grade 3 & 4 News

Wow, this year is flying by! We are so busy in the 3/4 room! Students are finishing up their Writer’s Workshop projects and will be moving onto a variety of other writing activities to finish off the school year: writing and giving a speech, creating poetry, and listening to music and responding to it through art and reflective writing. In math the 3s are finishing geometry by constructing 3-D skeletons and creating castles. They will finish the year with multiplication and division. The 4s are working on multiplication of larger numbers and will finish the year with data analysis. In Reader’s Workshop we have been paying attention to which senses we use while reading. By paying attention to these sensory images, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of the author’s message. The rain sticks turned out to be beautiful! Students just finished watercolour rain art in order to create a video montage of our rain stick sounds with our rainy day pictures! Each student created a Métis farm diagram in order to understand the events that eventually led to the North-west Resistance. In Science, students will be inventing their own instruments to finish off our sound unit. They may need cer-tain materials from home. This information will be in their planners. Our last unit in Science will be studying light. The field trip note will be coming home in the next week. Our fundraising has been successful! This week students recycled the school’s cans and bottles in order to add to our field trip funds! Please send try-all-athon forms and money back to school as soon as possible. Enjoy the warm weather!

Grade 1 & 2 News

Wow! Our time in the Grade 1/2 class just keeps flying by!
Here are some of the highlights from the month!
Our Reader’s Workshop has us looking deeper into our reading stamina and we have started setting personal goals about how long we want to be able to read without stopping. We have also just started talking about activating our schema as we read (ask your child about it!). In Math, the Grade 2’s have started a measurement unit and are practicing measuring items using different units of measurement (paper clips, snap cubes, straws, etc.). In Science, we have started a new unit on liquids and solids and have been doing all sorts of cool experiments with liquids! We are having lots of fun in Science! Everyone is working hard and enjoying their time at school.

We have a very busy next couple of weeks coming up and here are a few items to take note of:

  • Grade 1/2 Field Trip to Wet Paint and Eastview Bowl in Saskatoon – Wednesday, May 28
  • Swimming Lessons for Try-All-A-Thon – May 29 and June 11
  • Farm Safety – June 9
  • Tri-Clinic – June 18

Please return signed Try-All-A-Thon permission forms to the school ASAP!
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns or just for an update
Wow! Our time in the Grade 1/2 class just keeps flying by!

I hope you all enjoyed a great May long weekend!
Janet Adelman

Kindergarten News

Spring has sprung!
We cannot believe that there are less than 2 months left of Kindergarten. Where has the time gone? We have been keeping busy in the classroom and have also been going outside as often as we can.
Math – we are learning about shapes. We even went on a shape scavenger hunt around the school. We found lots!
ELA – we have been looking at the differences between fiction and non-fiction (or unfiction as some of us say!) books. We are using sticky-notes to mark new learning in our books. We keep working hard in Animated Literacy with Mrs. McGregor.
Phys. Ed.- we have been playing cooperative games and continu-ing to work on our throwing/catching skills.
Science- the plants in our room are growing like crazy. We also have caterpillars (thanks Mrs. Kelbough) that we’re watching transform!

A few important dates:
May 20: Kindergarten Orientation (10-11AM)
May 22: Kindergarten Orientation (1-2PM)
May 26: Kindergarten Orientation (1-2PM)
May 28: Fieldtrip to BPs and Wet Paint Pottery. Bus leaves at 9:30, back by 2:30.
May 30: Trip planned to the local greenhouse
June 5: Elementary Track & Field Play Day at Hanley School
June 23: Kindergarten Learning Celebration 7-8PM
As always, feel free to pop in to see us whenever you get the chance. Our door is always open and we love visitors!
~The Kindergartens & Mrs. Martineau

From The Office

Although we looked around all day on Monday for that slippery Leprechaun, and no matter where we checked or what traps the elementary students had created, we still couldn’t find one of those “green-clad small people” and have resided ourselves to the knowledge that a pot of gold is not in our future this year.

We’re in the later part of March already and I find myself surprised that our long, cold winter is going to be behind us soon. The snow seems to be melting, and our school yard is wet with puddles and mud that won’t be disappearing anytime soon. Please make sure you’re sending your son/daughter to school with the right clothing and footwear to be comfortable on the way here, whether by car, bus or foot, and also that they still have the right jacket and other clothes for the school day. Thank-you.

I want to tell you how proud we are of our Senior Girls Curling team for their great performance and gold medal win at the Curling Provincials we hosted Feb 28-March 1. Thanks also for the support from the community for the event at the hall and the curling rink. It was a well-attended weekend for such cold weather we were getting at that time. Congratulations, girls, on your win!

We’ve had a number of educational and athletic trips this last month with a few more scheduled in the next month. We’ve also got a couple visitors head- ed to our school in the future and we’ve invited the students from Dundurn to join us for those presentations.

I think everyone’s looking ahead to the sunshine and warmer temperatures that will be headed our way soon. The next two nights are Tri- Conferences at Hanley Composite School. Drop in and have a chat with one of your children’s teachers and find out about what’s happening in the classroom, and around the rest of the school. I’m sure the staff would love to update you on our School Goals around Literacy and Numeracy, the upcoming Drama performance, Ski Trips, Knight to Remember, SnowPitch and Bake Sales.

I have another item to raise some awareness for you about a Percussion Quartet called TorQ that will be out to see us on the morning of April 3. Dundurn School will be over to hear them with us and I’ll invite you to drop in as well if you want to listen to this energetic foursome from Toronto as they play their percussion instruments. (For all you non-musical types out there, those are the important instruments that keep the drum/beat/rhythm for the rest of the band/ orchestra to follow) Hope to see you there.

The School Community Council would like me to mention again that we still have a few Community Calendars available at the office for a reasonable $10. I’d also like to make you aware that our Annual General Meeting for the SCC is going to be on May 12th if you’re interested in becoming a member.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Before and After School Program Next Year

We are excited to announce that there will be a Before and After School program offered for the upcoming school year 2014-2015. It will be provided by Bekki Kemp- ton and Molly Speir.

The program will be offered from 7:00 a.m. until school begins and from school dismissal until 5:45 p.m. As this is the start of a new program, we need to assess the level of interest in the community.

We will be hosting an information night on Tuesday, April 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the school library, where we will provide more information about programming and fees.

If you have questions before the information night, please contact us via email at:

Kindergarten News

Happy (almost) Spring to everyone!

It sure is nice to see the snow being replaced by big, tempting puddles! We’ve been busy in K working on Animated Literacy, Readers’ Workshop, numbers in Math, and learning about rainbows!

We tried to catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day but only found treats instead. Maybe next year! The Ks were asked what they would do if they caught a leprechaun. Here are their responses:

  • Bridget: “He’s going to watch TV with me and have some food!”
  • Jordyn: “I’m gonna take his gold and buy My Little Ponies and Equestria Girls!”
  • Avery: “I’m gonna play Bub- blegum with him!”
  • Malikhi: “I’ll take him home and put him in a cage!”
  • Leanne: “I’ll take his gold away!”
  • Taylor: “I would keep him and take all his gold!”
  • Memphis: “I would tickle him so he would show me his gold. Then I would hold his hand.”
  • Maddox: “I would hold his hand.”
  • Delaney: “Keep him for a pet. I would feed him Lucky Charms and gold.”
  • Rhett: “Bring him home in the box and show him to mom. She would say: ahhhh!”
  • Constantine: “I’ll put him in a really nice place. Put him un- der my rainbow and take him home!”
  • Charlotte: “I would keep him in there (trap). I would ask him where his gold is.”
  • Emily: “Keep him and feed him cheese.”
  • Madeleine: “Bring him and play with him. Maybe play ball?”
  • Jessica: “I’m going to look in his eyes and get some gold!”
  • Noemi: “Keep him as a pet. I’ll make a home for him!”
  • Ryker: “Eat him up for supper. Mmm!”
  • Casey: “Release him after I look him in the eye!”
  • Zac: “I’m going to juggle him!”
  • Spencer: “I will eat him. I will cook him in the stove!”

Note to leprechaun: Stay away from Ryker and Spencer!

Feel free to pop in and see us any time!

~The Kindergartens & Mrs. Martineau

Grade 1 & 2 News

Hello Parents!

Another month has passed us by and we are enjoying warmer weather as well as some lovely puddles!

In ELA we are continuing to practice our reading and thinking our during reader’s workshop time. As well, we just finished up our Robert Munsch author study with a Munchy party! Thank you to Ms. Burgess for helping us learn all about Robert Munsch! In Math the Grade 1s are practicing skip counting and the Grade 2s we are working on adding numbers from 1 to 100. Our animal unit is nearly complete in Science and we have enjoyed our time learning about all sorts of animals!

A few exciting things we did this month included a field trip to the Destination Imagination film festival at the Broadway theatre in Saskatoon, leprechaun trap building, cleaning up leprechaun messes in our classroom and other fun St. Patrick’s Day art!

I am looking forward to seeing and meeting some of you during our Parent- Teacher Conferences this week!

Hope to see you all soon!

Janet Adelman

Grade 3 & 4 News

The Grade 3/4 class was surprised to discover the mess that pesky lepre- chaun made over the weekend! He got away, but at least he left us a treat! We’ve had a busy month. Both grades are in the middle of studying fractions in math. We just received letters from our epals in Saskatoon and are busy writing back to them. The students are amazed at how much they have in common with each other! We are studying gravity in Science and will be moving onto learning about sound. Each student is starting an individual writing assignment based on their interests. I am excited to see what they come up with when they are given the freedom to just write! In Reader’s Workshop, students have been retelling stories after reading them in order to gain deeper meaning of the text and to inspire others to read the same book. I look forward to seeing everyone at interviews! Thanks for making adjustments to your schedules to meet with me!

Grade 5 & 6 News

The Grade 5/6 class is busy working on projects in Social Studies and Health. They are learning information about Slavery, Chinese Labourers and Japanese internment in Social Studies. I can’t wait to see their presentations. We are beginning a music unit in Art. We are starting Electricity in Science as soon as our science experiments are complete. We are finishing Flight in ELA. The grade 6’s are currently working on a Decimals unit in Math.

Grade 7 News

It looks as though spring has finally arrived! Academically, we have been exploring the novel, Dust, in ELA, reviewing facts about measurement and decimal operations in math, studying feudalism in social, and looking into mixtures and solutions in science. Whew! We are busy!

We are scheduled to go on our ski trip on March 26. We are having a float sale on Monday, March 17 and a bake sale on Wednesday, March 19. The funds we raise during these events will help to offset the costs associated with our field trip. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to go on our trip with us!

On Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20, Tri- conferences will be held at the school from 5:00p.m. – 7:30 p.m. If you would like to meet to discuss your child’s progress, please call the office to make an appointment. Tri -conferences are a great time to get together to set goals and to simply touch base with each other. I look forward to seeing you! As always, should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school