Grade 8 News

Math 8.1 We are currently exploring rates, ratios and proportions.
Math 8.2 – wrote post unit test for integers, finishing up integer unit, will be starting, ratio/percent and fractions
ELA 8.1 – The Bread Winner novel study
ELA 8.2 – We have just finished our novel study of Jean Val Jean. We are now watching Les Miserables. A final project will be assigned this week and due for Wednesday of next
IA – Finishing wood projects
Science Girls – Started a new unit on Forces, Fluids, and Density. Have been exploring the density of fluids and how this can be measured and applied in practical ways.
Social Boys- Nationalism – symbols and anthems
Social Girls – We have finished our unit on Dynamic Relation- ships and will be spending the remainder of the classes exploring current affairs.
Arts Ed – Working on Pixel self-portraits
Phys Ed. – finishing fitness testing
Home Ec – Studying Canadi- an Cuisine, making menus Health 8.1 – Teens – Mental Issues and Disorder

Grade 7 News

I hope the New Year has been prosperous and kind to you so far! The Grade 7s have been busy wrapping up their science fiction unit in ELA and will soon be studying the novel, Dust, by Arthur Slade. In math, we have finished up with number theory and are currently reviewing and learning about fractions. In so- cial studies, we will be exploring government systems in Japan, the Koreas, and Canada.

We will shortly begin our fundraising efforts once again. We will be doing a float sale in the first week of February. Please expect a letter home, soon. We are hoping to go skiing in March!

Grade 5 & 6 News

The grade 5/6 class is sure enjoying the break in the cold weather. We are currently working on independent novel studies as well as a Flight unit in ELA. In Math the grade 6’s are working on a Geometry unit. The grade 5’s are finishing our multiplication and division unit and will begin measurement next week. In the measurement unit we will measure and record perimeter, area and volume as well as design rectangles with a given perimeter or area. In Social Studies we are learning about Power and Authority. In Science we are studying matter. We will be doing quite a few experiments throughout the unit.

Grade 3 & 4 News

The 3/4 class is working hard in the new year! In Reader’s Workshop we are focusing on building stamina when reading longer and more difficult books. Our spelling test lists are being based on words the students ask how to spell during class. In math the grade 3s are doing an addition and subtraction unit, while the 4s are learning about measurement and telling time. The Sochi Olympics are just around the corner, so in Social Studies and Health we have been learning about past Canadian athletes and their sports. The students worked in groups to create obstacle courses in gym and they reflected on who gives them courage by creating a courage quilt. In Science we are studying forces that repel and attract and in gym we are learning basketball skills. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2014! It’s great to be back with this group!
Mrs. Koroll

Grade 1 & 2 News

For those of you that I have never met, I would like to introduce myself! My name is Janet Adelman and I am currently covering Stacey Romanchuk’s maternity leave. I am so excited to be working with this Grade 1/2 class for the rest of the 2014 school

Here are a few things we are currently working on at school. In Math, the Grade 1’s have started a new unit on measurement and they are comparing and ordering lengths and comparing area, capacities and masses. The Grade 2’s finished up their unit on Adding and Subtracting to 18 and are now working on geometry! We are
learning lots about all sorts of different shapes. In ELA, our class has been doing more work with centers and we have recently added a listening center. Soon we will be starting an author study on Robert Munsch with Ms. Burgess in the library. In Science we have been learning about different animals and which animal group they belong to (Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects or other). Feel free to test your child at home to see what they have learned. Social has got our class learning about different kinds of maps and soon we will be learning about our community. In Art we have been experimenting with water colour paint and pastels and in Health we are learning about how to keep ourselves healthy!

We have been very busy in the two weeks back from the break but we have been having a lot of fun! I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two weeks with this class and I am looking forward to what the rest of this year has to bring! Always feel free to contact me any time about any questions, concerns or anything!

Janet Adelman

Kindergarten News

We have started the new year rolling! We are continuing to have a lot of fun with our Grade 7 buddies. We get to read with them 2 out of 3 of our K days! We’re having a Valentine’s Day Potluck with them on February 14th that we’re really excited about. They’re bringing soup and sandwiches and we’re supplying the chocolate milk and desserts. Mmm!
We’ve really been enjoying the warmer weather (indoor recesses stink!).
We love the big snow hills in our schoolyard and we’ve been having so much fun sledding. One afternoon we made snow volcanoes in the soccer field! It made the snow look like snow cones…but we didn’t eat it!
We have a new “reading tent” on our carpet. It’s been a warm and cozy spot to dive into a book. In Math we’ve been working on numbers from 0-5. We really like to sing about “5 Little Monkeys” and “5 Hot Dogs”. We’ve still been working hard at Animated Literacy with Mrs. McGregor each morning. We’re starting to get the hang of our letter sounds! We just created watercolour masterpieces of “What Winter Looks Like To Me”. You can admire them outside of our classroom.
Enjoy the beautiful weather (while it lasts)!
~The Kindergartens & Mrs. Martineau

From The Office

Welcome back after the Christmas Break to everyone. January has given us some real extremes with weather to deal with from plus temperatures all the way down to low minus 30s. What a wonderful province to be part of! Keep sending those students to school with the right jackets and ski pants, especially in the case of bus issues that could arise and students staying warm.

January is filled with finishing Semester 1 classes and studying for final exams and completing course end projects. See this newsletter for the exam schedule taking place the last week of January for the grade 10-12 students and encourage your student to study as much as they can. Assignments for all the finishing courses must be in soon if not already to make the course credit available, so students must be completing each assignment that is given by the teacher. Many students have been dropping in at the office for help with applications to various university or technical programs – that’s exciting to see! We also have our highest number of students signed up for the Youth Apprenticeship Program than we ever have, and that’s made available to graduating students a scholarship for $1000. That’s another exciting thing for our students.

This is a reminder that January 31st will be the “turn around” day between semesters, and not a school day for students. Report Cards for grades 6-12 will head home on February 6. I want to also remind our Grade 12 students that their second Work Experience full week is Feb 24-28 which follows the February break 17-21. We did schedule this on purpose so it wouldn’t break up their learning after the February break until the next one in April.

The School Community Council would like me to mention that we still have a few Community Calendars available at the office for a reasonable $10.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Counsellor’s Corner

When Things Aren’t Working For the Child, Focus on the Emotion

One of the goals of discipline is to teach but what is the best way to do this? Children encounter problems and frustrations in everyday life. For example,

  • “Grandma can’t come today”,
  • “ Sally won the game, not you”,
  • “We’ve run out of that cereal”,
  • “You have to finish your homework before you can go on the computer.”

Children need to learn that life cannot always adjust to them. There are times when they need to adapt to the situation. It is often best to be calm, firm and state what the reality of the situation is while providing comfort as your children experience frustration which can often lead to sadness or disappointment.

To help children through this process you can say things like:

  • It’s hard when things don’t work out.
  • I know you really wanted this to happen.
  • You were hoping I’d have a different answer.
  • I wish things could have been different.

Much more important than our words is that our children know that we are “with” them and not “against” them.

Counsellor’s Corner

The First Principle of Natural Discipline is: Use Connection, Not Separation, to Bring a Child into Line

“Connection is the source of our parenting power and influence and of the child’s desire to be good for us. Connection should be both our short-term objective and our long-term goal.” We need connection before we can give direction that will be followed. Imagine that your spouse has come home from work and the first words you say are “Take out the garbage.” Now imagine that your spouse has come home from work and you give him or her a kiss on the cheek, ask how their day was, and then say, “Would you mind taking out the garbage for me?” We all know which of those options is going work best and the same is true with our children. We need to “collect” people before we can expect to “direct” them.

Some ways to connect with children are to spend time with them doing things that they enjoy. These do not need to be expensive. They can be as simple as going for a walk, playing a game, throwing a ball, making a meal, or eating supper together to name a few.

Remember—the goal of this time is to build connection. It is not the time to talk about all of the things that aren’t working for you or that you’re worried about. The goal is to build connection and create good memories together.


Hanley School Christmas Dinner

It’s hard to believe that it is soon December! The Annual Christmas Dinner will be held at noon on Friday, December 20th. It is a great Hanley School tradition full of Christmas spirit, fellowship and a feeling of one big family in celebration, as the students from K-12, staff, bus drivers and division office staff, gather together. The turkeys will be supplied by the SRC with the rest of the meal being contributed by families.

You will be receiving an email on Nov. 25th. Please read through the contribution form and reply with your choices by December 2nd. I will then choose one of your choices and organize the meal. I will send an email on December 12th with the item we would like you to donate.

Non-perishable food items can be brought to the Home Ec. room between Monday, December 16th and Friday, December 20th. Perishable food items should be brought Friday morning by 9:00; potatoes at 11:50; turkey and gravy at 11:00.

Dishes should be labeled and can be picked up in the main lobby Friday afternoon before 3:00 p.m.
Thank you in advance to everyone who is donating food or cooking a turkey for our annual Christmas Dinner.