Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s are back into it and hard at work! “Challenges” is the theme of the moment in English. In Math they are examining proportional reasoning, taxes and currency exchange. Students are learning about cabinet construction in I.A. and in Home Ec, they’re learning about canning, so they’ll have something to put into those cabinets! Ecosystems, biodiversity, sustainability (and frogs) have been the focus so far in science. In Wellness, there has been a mixed bag of soccer, volleyball, volunteer hours discussions and looking at musculoskeletal systems. And finally, our eager young learners have been given a book full of signs and laws to study in Driver’s Ed, as well as a whole lotta’ pamphlets – so, our sidewalks should be safe for another few weeks yet! Thanks to the grade 10 class for their contributions.

Grade 9 News

I knew it. I just knew it. All summer long, I knew that these grade 9’s were going to be a dandy bunch. They are. We’ve enjoyed our first couple of weeks together. In Art class we’ve already experienced Weasel Theater and Random Records. In English we collaborated on writing some delicious short stories about “A Crazy Day at the Candy Store” and we are about to embark on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Social Studies has us exploring Worldviews. Well what in the world is a “worldview” anyways and why is mine different than yours? Big stuff. Mr. Tucker is helping us understand Leadership. What makes a good leader? Who are good leaders? Mr. Tucker is a good leader . Area and Matter are the topics we are tackling in Math and Science classes. It may sound a bit dull, but those are areas that matter and we are grateful to have the chance to learn about them. Well done everyone.

Grade 8 News

Wow! The grade eights have finally actually made it into a classroom in the High School! So, to celebrate, we are reviewing in Math their foundational math skills and will shortly be studying “Square Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem”. While in ELA the students have been sharpening their grammatical skills and will begin their first thematic unit, “On the Edge of Survival”, shortly. Meanwhile, in Art class, the 8’s are making beautiful art out of simple 1 inch black lines. In Science, the unit of study is Cells, Tissues and Organs. We have investigated living versus non-living things. We are about to embark on the microscopic world with our new found knowledge of the microscope. In Health, students are learning about promoting physical activity to others. In PE we are trying to sneak in those summer and fall activities outside before the weather turns too cold on us.

Grade 7 News

The beginning of the year has been a busy one! We have been getting to know every- one and getting settled. We are slowly settling into a routine and are beginning to get busy with our courses. The girls and boys are split for the core content classes (social, science, math and ELA), but remain together for the rest of their classes. In ELA, the girls have been reviewing their basic grammar skills before we begin our first thematic unit on “Science Fiction”. The boys have begun a novel study of Escape from Home. In social, both groups have been reviewing their geographical skills. In science, the groups are working on research skills and the “Earth’s Crust and Resources”. Math has all the students polishing their basic operational facts and applications. It is important to ensure a strong foundation before we begin building new concepts! So far, I have truly enjoyed the Grade 7s! I look forward to a successful, prosperous, and entertaining few months. Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone (544-2511).

Grade 6 News

It has been a great start to the school year in the grade 6 room. In ELA our beginning plans are grammar, writing skills, spelling, sentence structure and reading the Thief Lord as a class. In math we are working on a unit about whole numbers. In Social Studies we are looking around the world as well as close to home studying the interactions and interdependence of nations. In Science we are looking beyond into our Solar System. During Phys. Ed. class, we are working on skill development in soccer, football, volleyball and group games. We are being very creative with drawing and using a variety of mediums in art. We are excited and looking forward to a great year!

Grade 4 & 5 News

We are back! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and is ready to jump into a new year of school! Our class has been a bit chaotic lately with the tables we ordered not in yet, but by Monday we will back to a normal routine and will be so lucky to have the opportunity to have tables rather than desks in our classroom! We will be focusing on cooperative learning, and the tables are sure to enhance this for us! We will be covering many exciting topics this year and I can’t wait to get to know my old and new students even better! Looking forward to another great year!


Grade 2 & 3 News

We are learning about all kinds of things already! Here’s just some of the things we have been learning about: fairy tales, the human body, communities, plants, and patterns. We are having a great September!

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

We’ve had an AWESOME start to the year in the K/1 room! I am so impressed with these kids and how quickly they are picking up on class- room procedures and getting along as a group! We are starting to get into things a bit. The Grade 1s have start- ed their patterning unit in math and practicing sentence writing in Daily Language. The Ks are taking part in some math pre-testing individually with me and soon we will begin our patterning unit. During play the students built a giant castle out of cardboard, drawbridge and all! They are having a blast parading in and out of it as princesses, queens, palace guard dogs, and knights! In Grade 1 Social Studies we are learning about different kinds of families and in Virtues we are discussing the power of our words and how they can make people feel good or bad. The Kindergartens have started Animated Literacy with Mrs. McGregor. Information about this will be sent home in the next week. Watch out for a note about our Medieval Feast which will be happening in early October. It was great to see all of the families at the pancake breakfast!

From the Office

Well, if any of you can tell me where this last school year has disappeared to, I’d appreciate the help. It has been a fantastic year for me “from the office” and I would like to make sure I take the time here to thank everyone for helping make that so. We have a wonderful group of people working in this building for the students, and I’m quite proud of their efforts to make our school a great place to be. I’d also like to recognize the students at Hanley Composite School for their hard work this year and their efforts to make this a school they can be proud of. It’s pretty hard to be best friends with 240 other students every day, year after year, but the students to a pretty good job of being respectful to everyone and working with each other. As I write this, I’m nervously awaiting my second son to decide to enter the world, and my hopes are that his future years at school can be as fun as what I see students in our school enjoy.

We’re also at that time of year where we need to say farewell to a couple people from our staff. I want to say thank-you on behalf of everyone for twenty years of work with students to Mrs. McRae and Mrs. Beaumont. Your work each year supporting students and helping out in so many other ways around the school will be sorely missed by all of us. We wish you health and happiness on your retirements. We also want to wish a happy retirement to Mrs. Patkau, retiring from her bus driving position. Your work of keeping the students safe on the roads to and from school every day is very important and we appreciate what you’ve done to make that possible.

With the end of the year will also come a farewell to two of our teachers who were filling temporary contracts at our school. Thank you to both Ms. Anderson who was replacing Mrs. Burgess on her medical leave, and also to Miss Gabora who was replacing Mrs. Romanchuk while away on her maternity leave. We will miss your work in the classroom with the students and the parts you played on our staff. Good luck on your next positions, to both of you.

I would like to wish good luck to our graduating stu- dents who are leaving us at the end of this year. Good luck in your future years and with your plans for next year and those to follow. Drop in some time and let us know how things are going.

To everyone else, enjoy the summer and the rest and relaxation that comes with time away from work and school. Hopefully some warm weather and sun is in our future in July and Au- gust. Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker

From the Office

Well it’s that time again for another piece of wisdom and information from Hanley Composite School’s office. It feels like we may have finally seen the start of spring weather and it’s sure a relief. We have a number of events planned for the last few weeks of school and I’ve tried to give you that list included in this newsletter on the back page.

Congratulations to our Drama club who performed “Broken Hearts Club” at Regionals after a very successful drama season including a tasty dessert theatre. Great job everyone!!

Our Senior Badminton Team had another strong season and we were proud to see Tawny move onto Districts in Girls Singles and Josh and Alexander move past Districts to compete at Regionals. That’s an awesome season!!

We’re in the midst of Track season with about 90-100 students from our school body taking part this week and next as well. It makes me proud to see such a high number of participating athletes from Hanley School.

We had a fantastic grade 7-12 presentation about Addictions by Allan Kehler on May 1. He was a dynamic speaker who captured the attention of the students with his message of personal struggles with substance abuse and the power of talking to overcome life’s issues.

Last week was the second and final week of Work Experience for the grade 12 students. It sounds like the students had a number of valuable experiences at the job sites and either are very grateful to be able to get back to the comfort of their valuable education, or are now, more than ever, looking forward to their work life after finishing high school.

That leads me to my next item. Hanley Composite School Graduation is planned for June 8 with Exercises at 7:30 in the school gym. Congratulations to each of our graduating Grade 12s on their hard work this year.

I want to recognize the great work Mr. Vedress has done this year at Hanley School. Mr. Vedress will be leaving us at the end of this week as we’ll be welcoming back Ms. Bishop-Moisan who has been away on a maternity leave. Welcome Ms. Bishop-Moisan and thank-you Mr. Vedress for all your efforts and classroom work with the Grade 6s and your coaching of Senior Boys Basketball and Track and Field. We’ll miss your contribution to our staff and school.

Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker