From the Office

Last month I mentioned how nice it was to see the sun shining and we were able to enjoy the good weather. Since then we’ve had a spring snowstorm and some following days of snow and sleet. This month I’m going to comment that it’s been so nice to get some cool, wet spring weather and we’ll see where that leaves us.

A number of events and happenings have taken place since my last message From the Office in March. We were excited to have our Drama Club present to the school one afternoon, as well as the Drama Night and Dessert Theatre performances of Broken Hearts Club. Once again they did not disappoint us with their practice and hard work preparing. We wish them well at Regionals this weekend. Break a leg!

Report Cards for grades 6-12 went home before the break. While there will not be another formal chance for Tri-Conferences with teachers, I would again like to invite you to contact your child’s teachers about their progress or anything else such as outstanding assignments. It is very important that they have every assignment completed this year to receive credit for the course. And just a reminder, final exams for this semester will begin on June 22.

Junior Badminton playoffs were this week and I’d like to recognize Steffen from grade 8 and Ashley from grade 9 as each progressed to the second playoff day in their singles categories. Great job to both of you! Senior Badminton playoffs are next week starting on Tuesday.

There are a number of field trips that will occur over the course of the next couple months to be aware of. Information will be going home for individual class trips. Please continue to return any and all forms as soon as possible.

Before our next newsletter the grade 12 students will be taking part in their second full week of Work Experience during May 7-11. The important benefits have included an experience in a workplace for a whole week versus a single day per week, and a decrease in lost time from normal classes. This is a new format for Hanley School, I would appreciate any feedback from you about the course and if we should repeat this year’s arrangement of two separate full weeks instead of one day per week for all of semester two.

The only week day with no school in the next few weeks is on May 7th for a teacher PD day.

Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker

Grade 12 News

In our favourite classes, we are studying all kinds of foods and countries. In Bio, we just finished writing our unit test on cells! Calculus and Math sure have a lot of confusing word problems that keep us on our toes. The same goes for Phys Ed, as we have started a new game called Pickleball. It’s fun and we as a class get pretty competitive, so it makes the game all the more fun!

And lastly, our English classes; our two split classes are reading two different books, Hamlet and Brave New World. They are both very interesting stories. They are hard to understand at first, but both are great books… according to Mr. Kirk.


Grade 11 News

To update our classes: In History, we are studying world leaders and communism of WWI. In Math Foundations, we did an exam on statistics and are about to start graphing. In PAA, we are cake decorating. In IA, we are building sheds. In Chemistry, we just wrote an exam on molecules and compounds and will now be starting chemical reactions. In law, we are looking at civil rights.

Grade 10 News

Ever wake up one morning and realize that a quarter of the year is already gone? That’s how we’re all feeling right now. At any rate, here’s what the grade 10’s are up to right now – at least, all the things they’ll admit to… Just for fun, I won’t mention the subject that they’re working on for each topic (although, the answers are at the end)… We’ve just finished factoring

and have moved on to exponents and radicals. We’ve watched The Help and are discussing it in the context of racism. We have also been examining the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We’ve been looking at the different elements in the Periodic Table. We’ve been playing Badminton and doing Fitness testing. We have been examining the Fur Trade. We have crafted an amazing meal of Chicken Alfredo and Brownies (served separately). We’ve been using computers for the purposes of drafting. Answers: Math, ELA, Social, Science, Wellness, Wildlife Management, Commercial Cooking, IA.

Special thanks to the grade 10 girls, especially Anita.

Grade 9 News

What a month we’ve had. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the great buffalo lives. We spent some time talking about the mighty buffalo and how the First Nations people could have possibly killed these things with their available tools. We tried to build our own weapons and then we visited the neighboring farm to get up close and personal with the real deal. Abso- lutely huge. We’ve always thought it amazing that the First Nations people utilized so much of the mighty beast, but after getting within a few feet of one, it’s amazing that they could even kill one. Feel free to ask us about our experience.

In ELA, we’re studying Animal Farm and in Social Studies, we are exploring the use of propaganda in the 20th Century. We made our own propaganda posters for Animal Farm and they are currently on display in our classroom. Please stop in.

Mr. Tyndall continues to inspire us with all things science, specifically in the areas of alternative energy sources.

Mr. Herman + Math = Fun

We are counting down the days until our Canoe trip (60) and will soon be starting our physical and mental training so as to make this the most memorable of memories.

Thanks to all.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we have wrapped up our unit on First Nations and their Canadian Identity. In Science we are now working on the “Cardboard Boat Race” which takes place in early May. In Physical Education we have finished our badminton unit and fitness testing. We are starting some Archery, Inter-Lacrosse (indoor non-contact), some more games, and then…. Track and Field…as soon as it dries up. In Career Ed. we are looking at personal inven- tories, skills and developing an initial framework for a resume. Health is looking at personal relationships. In Home Ec. we are starting on basic baking. In Industrial Arts we have arrived at … Freedom 55! …Finally, we have had to pick and design a woodworking project of our own choice. Now we just have to get it done by Mr. Tyndall’s due date…and then get them out of the hallway.

Grade 7 News

Grade 7 continues to be a busy year! We are finishing up our literature circles in English, while in math we have finished our unit on measurement. We will soon be exploring exponents in math. Science has us wrapping up our solutions and mixtures unit, and in social we will begin our exploration of Saskatchewan and Canada’s First Nations.

We will be having a Float Sale next week to help in raising funds for our year end trip to Blue Mountain. The Kids Carnival/Sock Hop we had originally scheduled for April 20th, will be postponed until May 18th.

Report cards recently went out. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Grade 6 News

Hello from the Grade 6 classroom! Here is a brief look at the happenings in our class! We are pleased to welcome our new student Megan, transferring from Martensville. In Health we are starting to  look at body image and what a healthy body looks like. In Science we are almost finished with science and ready to move on to the study of electricity. In ELA we have done creative writing featuring zombies as well as some practice public speaking.

Grade 4 & 5 News

We are coming to an end of our novel, Holes, and it seems to get more and more exciting as we go! Soon we will be moving on to some group novel studies. We are still working on our Science Unit and doing plenty of fun experiments to go along with it. Social Studies has brought us to the topics of the Treaties and The Fur Trade.

Hopefully the summer weather is on its way…..till next time!