From the Office

With our early spring break for Easter back at the end of March, it’s going to feel a bit like a long stretch ahead for all of us here to reach the end of June. Students are in the midst of the semester two courses and I’m sure you’re aware that the grade 7-12 report cards are coming home this week. The last set of Parent Teacher Student Tri-Conferences were also in March, so if you have any concerns or questions on what you find in the report card, please contact the school and the specific teachers to find your answers.

Our School Community Council meets at the start of next month on May 2 to hold our annual meeting. We’d encourage any parent who’d like to be part of the council to contact the school and ask me or Mr. Anderson about the role they play in supporting our school goals. Any of the council members would also fill you in on the workings of the School Community Council.

Last week we celebrated our balcony construction being finished with some intramural shirts being handed out to the grade 7-12 students and a picture of them in their red, black and white colours on the balcony. A game of beach volleyball at noon against the All Star seniors took place as well.

Congratulations to Mrs. Griffin and our Drama club on their play, Dust, and their successful performance at Regionals. An encore performance on May 4 is scheduled here at the school again, the day before they perform at Provincial competition in Regina.

Our badminton season here at Hanley continues this month, with junior playoffs taking place Tuesday, May 3rd and then winners moving on to that Thursday and Saturday. Senior playoffs will start in Clavet Wednesday April 27th. Mr. Block is working with the larger group of players this year and it’s been nice to see so many kids out working on improving their game. Great job everyone!!

Track practices sound like they’ll start earlier this year with the week of April 18th since the field and rest of the yard have been drying up so much this spring. Practices are after school and Mrs. Koroll is organizing what looks like a large group of athletes.

I looked back at our April newsletter from last year and read that I was letting you know then about some future construction that would happen in the school, both in the halls and the balcony after that. I’m happy to say that it appears we’re finally through that last part of our renovations, and the whole school is back in use. We’re going to hold a BBQ burger lunch at noon on Thursday April 21 for the students and staff, and if you want to drop by for a walk around the school to see what updates and fixes have happened over the last two years, the school will be open for that.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker Principal Hanley School

From the Office

I know as Saskatchewan people it would be strange not to talk about the weather – therefore, pretty strange weather for February, eh? I’ve heard rumours about plus six temperatures at the end of this week – you know what I’m going to say, right? Splash pants and rubber boots for elementary students need to be unpacked for those recess breaks.

We’re at the end of February and well into the second semester and as normal, there is lots going on in the school and our various programs. Check out the classroom submissions that follow for what’s happening in each of the grades. Our Grade 12s are taking part in their second week of Work Experience this week. We intentionally set it here again so as not to break up the learning when they’re back in class this semester. Good luck at work, Grade 12, we hope you learn a lot about the career area you’re experiencing.

I’d like to give you a heads up on another couple items for your calendars as well. The grade 9-12 ski trip is scheduled for March 11 to Table Mountain. The Grade 7 and 8 ski trip is scheduled for March 23. It’s always a fun day for those students and we look forward to having all the students attend.

March 16th and 17th is scheduled to be our second TriConferences days for parents and students to book time to meet with the teachers. Tri-Conferences will be from 5:00-7:30pm those evenings and I’d like to remind you it’s a great time to celebrate the accomplishments of your student and recognize them with their parent in the conversation as well. I’ll look forward to seeing many of you here in the school those evenings and I invite you to drop by the office if I don’t see you in the halls.

The work on the balcony continues and we’re looking forward to the new flooring surface being installed next week. There have been some facelifts to a few areas near the servery to accommodate some air exchanging units, and we’ve worked to create a permanent area dedicated to the fooseball tables. We expect it to be completed within a month or so.

Junior basketball season has ended. Curling season is wrapping up soon with junior districts at the end of this week. Badminton season will be ramping up soon and our annual Knight to Remember will take place on March 17th , the same night as the second evening for TriConferences. More info about the Knight to Remember can be found towards the end of the newsletter.

I’m going to give a final plug for the SCC Community Calendars that are available at the office for ten dollars. There are still a few that families ordered and haven’t picked up – we’ll assume next year that you’re not interested in ordering one.

That’s all for now. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker


From the Office

Welcome to our new year, everyone. We’ve been fortunate to have some abnormally nice temperatures so far this month as well as some very cold days to balance them as well. Try to keep sending warm outdoor clothing on the cold days, especially with bus students of all ages in case of bus trouble.

January is filled with finishing Semester 1 classes and studying for final exams and completing course end projects. See this newsletter for the exam schedule taking place the last week of January for the grade 10-12 students and encourage your student to study as much as they can. Assignments for all the finishing courses must be in soon if not already to make the course credit available, so students must be completing each assignment that is given by the teacher. Many students have been dropping in at the office for help with applications to various university or technical programs – that’s exciting to see! We also have a number of Youth Apprenticeship Program students working through those assignments as well and we hope to hear of successful apprenticeship agreements made as well for next year.

Curling and basketball season are the focus of school sports right now. Just like our Riders, some “building years” have been coming for a while and it’s great to see some strong junior teams working towards filling some future senior teams. Great job to all the coaches.

This is a reminder that January 29th will be the “turn around” day between semesters, and not a school day for students. Report Cards for grades 7-12 will head home on February 4th. I want to also remind our Grade 12 students that their second Work Experience full week is Feb 22-26 which follows the February break Feb 15-19. We did schedule this again on purpose so it wouldn’t break up their learning after the February break until the next one in April. I hope you enjoy your Family Day on Feb 15th .

The School Community Council would like me to mention that we still have some of the Community Calendars available at the office that families ordered this fall. There are also a few extra available for a reasonable $10.

That’s all for now. For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at http:// As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Chris Tucker



Season’s Greetings! Thank you to the families who came out for the Family Fun Night! It was an evening filled with singing and fun. Kindergarten worked very hard to deliver a fantastic performance. They did a wonderful job! This month Kindergarten has been writing about the theme of Christmas. Weeven wrote letters to Santa! As a class we walked our letters down to the Hanley post office, dropped them in the mail and we are hoping Santa isn’t too busy to write back! Keep an eye on your mailbox! Show and Tell has been going great in Kindergarten! The children are becoming more comfortable speaking in front of the class. They are turning out to be fantastic public speakers and performers! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Have a fun and wonderful Christmas spending time with your children! The Kindergarten’s & Miss. Buchinski

Grade 2

Season’s Greeting from grade two! It has been a busy, yet fun month around here. We had a wonderful time on our field trip! I was amazed at how many dare devils we had at the Forestry Farm, where they were able to feel a variety of animals, such as a snake, hedgehog, and a ferret just to name a few. The kids also enjoyed all of the activities at Flip Gymnastics, from relays to stations to free exploration. We have been busy wrapping up lots of units in math and science, as well as health. I think we are all excited to start some fresh new topics in the new year. We wrote friendly letters to Santa, and even had a chance to walk down to the post office to mail them! I also made a colour photocopy so that the kids could read each other’s letters and share them with you at home as well. We will continue our letter writing in January as we buddy up with Miss Janet Adelman’s grade two class from Martensille. The kids are pretty excited to write back and forth with their soon to be pen pals! They are really starting to enjoy our daily 5 activities, and it’s amazing how well they are working independently through this process. We have been working on making connections as we read, as well as answering the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why) as we write to include more details in our work. We have had lots of fun singing Christmas carols and making beautiful Christmas art. I hope that everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas holiday!

Grade 1&3

The 1/3 class is excited for their upcoming field trip to the WDM and Fuddruckers! We have been busy doing lots of writing. The 1s have created ‘Giving Books’ and the 3s have written Christmas poetry. In math, both grades are working on their measurement units. The 3s will not have a test for this unit. The 3s did very well on their oral presentations in social studies! The 1s have learned about needs and wants by deciding what they would bring with them on a deserted island. We have been reading books on space and recording the new information we learn to practice building our background knowledge on a topic. Ask your child what new facts they know about space! We have made some beautiful pieces of Christmas art, too! It was great to see all of the families at Family Fun Night! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Grade 4,5,6

Whoosh!! Where did that month go? I hope everyone has a very restful break and enjoys some fun times with friends and family. We have started our unit about matter and the students are becoming very engaged in our experiments. In Social Studies the students have been given opportunities to explore the topic of culture. The students are just finishing up some literature circle activities in language arts. After The break, the grade 5’s and 6’s will be beginning a new unit in math about decimals. Have a great break!!

Grade 7

December has arrived and the time is flying by! The new snow has been welcomed with laughter and fun! The Grade 7s have been busy studying integers and number theory in math, and have just begun a unit on humour in English. We continue to look at the implications of globalization in social studies, and in science, the students are mixing up a great deal of fun in their “Mixtures and Solutions” unit. I would like to take a moment to let you know how amazing the Grade 7s are in art. Their work is fantastic and has had many compliments. These kids are always willing to gothe extra mile and are a pleasure to work with! Thank you, to parents, for encouraging your children to think outside the box and to explore with their creativity. If you get a chance, come out and check out their work; their watercolours are posted in the classroom and hallway of our wing. I had hoped we could venture out for a day of sledding and skating before the Christmas break. However, we don’t have enough snow yet! I would like to plan a day early in the New Year to get outside! I would also like to have a  class potluck. I will keep you posted on these plans. Finally, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous, healthy and exciting New Year! All the best to you and yours! As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, please contact me at the school (306-544-2511) or via email. (

Grade 8

The Grade 8s have been working hard and are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas break! The students have been working towards mastering ratios and proportions in math. Meanwhile, in ELA, the class has been exploring a novel study of The Giver. The students have been participating wonderfully and seem to really enjoy the novel so far. Science has the class exploring “Optics and Vision”; it’s been quite the eye opener! In social class, students have been investigating events that have changed Canada. Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Best Wishes to everyone!

Grade 9

The Grade 9 class has been hard at work, making a final push towards the Christmas holidays. They have continued to study Norse and First Nations myths in English class. In Social they are just rapping up their unit on Societies and Worldview. They have just finished learning about Linear Equations and Graphing in Math. In Science, they have continued to learn about Atoms and Compounds and in Art they have been working hard on their bands. They have been working their way through “The Real Game” which has been teaching them about life after school. The students have continued to enjoy Home Ec. and IA where they have been working on their welding, small engines, and sewing skills. Lastly, they have just began their basketball unit in Phys. Ed.