Grade 6 News

As we head off for winter holidays, the grade six class has wrapped up a few units and will be starting new ones. In Math we are working on a Geometry unit. We will be studying about Dynamic Relationships in Social Studies and in Science we will be learning about Flight. We continue to look and study the many arts and have been focusing on Careers. In ELA we will be starting a new unit right after the break. We are planning on a field trip with the  Dundurn grade 6’s sometime in January or February. I will keep you posted as plans progress.

Have a great holiday!
Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class

Grade 7 News

The Grade 7’s are continuing to stay busy during this Holiday Season! In ELA, the girls are wrapping up their Science Fiction Unit and are currently working on a final project for the novel Dust and in Math, they are continuing to work with fractions and decimals and will be having a quiz ear- ly this week. In Science, the class is reviewing their Active Earth Unit and will be having a quiz on Wednesday and Thursday this week. In Careers, the class has wrapped up their Resumes and are ready to do some job hunting! In Phys. Ed. the class is finished up a unit on basketball and will soon be starting floor hockey. The Grade 7’s are getting very excited for their field trip of bowling and swimming fun in Saskatoon on Wednesday this week! They are also excited for the Christmas Dinner on Friday and for the Christmas break!

-The Grade 7 Class

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are starting on a new Unit about Canadian Identity and World Views, particularly “How Land Forms Our Identity”. In Physical Education the Grade 8’s have started a unit on Floor Hockey and finished their Basketball unit. Fitness test- ing begins again right away in January when the Grade 8’s return, so not too many ‘Christmas Goodies’ without a lot of fresh air and exercise. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames, shelves and stools. In Art they are just finishing movie Scroll Boxes. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Pajama Pants. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up a Fractions Unit with a test the last week before the Christmas break. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing novel projects. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Grade 9 News

Nothing Says Christmas like a good ole Limerick, so here’s a sample of some Holiday Limericks written by the Grade Nine class.

Grade nine is surprisingly fun
Our classes can’t be out done
I’m so glad I’m in it
I love every minute
It’s too bad that Christmas
has come.
By: Erika

The New Year is about to come
For the tests their will be a ton
Grade 9 is a blast
But it’s going too fast
2013 will be fun.
By: Luke

On Christmas, there’s presents galore,
We open them and sit on the floor,
The presents are open
But still I am hopin,
That Mom and Dad bought me some more.
By: Jackson and the Math Club

Oh Grade nine. There’s nothing above it.
Disagree and I’ll tell you to shove it!
I’ll stand in the hall
And yell out for all!
“I love it, I Love it! I Love it!”
By: Jesse

Happy Holidays from the Grade Nines!

Grade 10 News

Ever have one of those years where it seems like Christmas should already be here? Yep, us too! Although the holidays are almost upon us (or may already be upon us, depending on when you’re reading this), there’s still a bunch to do until they get here! In Math, the 10’s are busy studying Similar Polygons. Sci-Fi thrillers like 1984, and Lockdown are being read in ELA. Science is now focusing on Chemistry, which has produced a lot of interesting reactions (sorry for the bad pun)! In IA, the builders are frantically trying to finish up their projects, while their compatriots in Home Ec are making delicious Christmas baking (like iced sugar cookies and homemade chocolates, which have Mr. H. dropping by more  often than usual). In Wellness, the end of Basketball is nigh (which may or may not have been predicted by the Mayans – can some- body check their calendar?), while the advent of floor hockey is up- on us. And finally, in Wildlife, they’ve been studying bears and other fur-bearing animals! Conclusion – definitely fuzzy. Merry Christmas, everybody!

Grade 11 News

Christmas is coming, and this is the week of exams in the Grade 11 class. In biolo- gy, we are having an exam on the diversity of life and then….. an exam in physics on refraction. If it is not an exam, we are presenting our independent projects in Social Studies. After all that, we have time for reading, the book Thief, in ELA. Parabolas are where it’s at in math. Lastly we round it out with fun times in Phys Ed.

Grade 12 News

The Grade Twelves’ are just finishing up their Math units on Logarithms and Tessalations. We are coming to the end of our Acid and Bases unit in Chemistry. In English/ History, we have started a new unit on Building a Nation, and the formation of the nation of Canada.


From the Office

We’ve managed to make it through another month of excitement and learning opportunities at Hanley Composite School. This year our school is concentrating on three School Goals: Reading Intervention, Numeracy and Student Engagement. Each of the teachers are part of developing plans to meet those goals, so if you have some questions, or are interested in more information, stop by and ask one of them about the school goals.

Some more staffing changes are happening at our school this year. Mrs. Bain left this month on her maternity leave for the remainder of the year. Congratulations to Mrs. Bain and her family on the birth of their son, Liam. Ms. Adelman will be replacing her in all of her classes. Mrs. Koroll will be away on her leave by the end of the month. We’ll be moving Miss Martineau to the K/1 room at that time and Ms. Stefanson will be in to work with the grade 2/3 students until Mrs. Romanchuk’s return in the second semester.

Congratulations to Mr. Howie on the birth of his daughter. Mr. Howie is one of our interns we have working with Ms. Prakash.

I want to wish congratulations to our fall volleyball and football teams for their great performances this season and their accomplishments! Special congratulations to the Junior Girls’ Volleyball team on winning the District champions title, and to the Saber Football team on winning silver in the Provincial Final we hosted last weekend. We are proud of each of you and your efforts to represent our school with pride and respect. For your interest, Basketball is underway at Hanley with Junior and Senior teams already starting practices. Good luck to all the teams.

Information was sent home this week for parents to be able to start an account on PowerSchool – our online database for grades and attendance for students. If you have any questions or concerns, give the teacher a call to ask about it, or drop by to talk to me about it.

As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Grade 12

Ah..Grade 12, what a hard year it’s been thus far from being constantly worked without pay. Our fingers worked to the bone, some of us suf- fer from sleep deprivation due to our nightmares of essays and tests. We start the day off with English/Social Studies, trying to master the pen and expand our social perspective on Canadian issues. Then there is third class, which is chemistry: just when you think Mrs. Prakash’s voice will give out from the constant prodding and encouraging directed at unwilling teenagers, she finds someone else to do it for her: Mr. Howie teaches us about equilibriums while watching over us with a stern gaze, a trick believed to be taught to him by his mentor, by Mrs. Prakash. After a short lunch break, we are then herded in to Mr. Herman’s room to be lectured on the finer points of pre-calculus 30 by Mr. Bartsch. As we are tested mentally, physically and emotionally during this hour, it is a wonder no one manages to lose their composure, although outbursts of crying aren’t uncommon, due to release of stress caused by the constant barrage of radians and identities. Finally to end the day, we are thrust into Mr. Tyndall’s domain. Through the haze of sawdust and screams, we are pressed to complete a master piece, of which none of us can even begin to comprehend. Although we are sometimes lost for days in the vastness of the shop, with nothing to survive on but small chunks of 2×4, amazingly we all still survive…for now.

Grade 11

Winter is here and Christmas is right around the corner. Classes are busier than ever. In Foundations 20, we are learning about statistics. We have just begun the Diversity of Life Unit in Biology. In Physics, we are learning the laws of reflection in plane and curved mirrors. We are having a blast playing sports, and doing yoga, in Gym. In English and Social Studies, we are presenting projects on the history of something we are interested in. We also worked together to plan the schools Remembrance Day ceremony.