Near the end of each school year, at a time acceptable to the home-based education program facilitator, the parents shall send an annual progress report to the program facilitator for each student on the program. Each home-based student must make satisfactory educational progress:
in relation to the written educational plan and
with respect to the age and ability of the student.
An Annual Progress Report indicates the home-based learner’s progress and consists of:
1. Periodic Log ; and,
2. one of the following for each of the broad annual goals:
- a detailed summative record;
- sufficient samples of work; or,
- a summative record and samples of work.
Home-based educators are not required to provide the portfolio of work to their registering official unless they have chosen this option for their annual progress report.
When a home-based education program is terminated or cancelled, the home-based educator shall provide the home-based learner’s portfolio of work for the partial school year to: the public school, registered independent school, or other educational institution in which their child enrolls; or, to their resident board of education or conseil scolaire, if the child does not attend school.