
The aim of K-12 science education is to enable all Saskatchewan students to develop scientific literacy. Scientific literacy today embraces Euro-Canadian and Indigenous heritages, both of which have developed an empirical and rational knowledge of nature. A Euro-Canadian way of knowing about the natural and constructed world is called science, while First Nations and Métis ways of knowing nature are found within the broader category of Indigenous knowledge.

Diverse learning experiences based on the outcomes in this curriculum provide students with many opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate, and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society, and the environment (STSE) that will affect their personal lives, careers, and future.

Goals are broad statements identifying what students are expected to know and be able to do upon completion of the learning in a particular area of study by the end of Grade 12. The four goals of K-12 science education are to:

  • Understand the Nature of Science and STSE Interrelationships: Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, their interrelationships, and their social and environmental contexts, including interrelationships between the natural and constructed world.
  • Construct Scientific Knowledge: Students will construct an understanding of concepts, principles, laws, and theories in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and Indigenous knowledge of nature, then apply these understandings to interpret, integrate, and extend their knowledge.
  • Develop Scientific and Technological Skills: Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological inquiry, problem solving, and communicating; for working collaboratively; and for making informed decisions.
  • Develop Attitudes that Support Scientific Habits of Mind: Students will develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific, technological, and Indigenous knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment.