1. Gr. 8 Farewell – Today at 10:00am in the large gym.
  2. K1 – Spray Park today at 11:00am.
  3. Gr. 4G – Cones today at 1:30pm.
  4. Gr. K-5 Sing Along today in the Library at 2:30pm.
  5. Lost & Found on display by the office until Fri, June 24. Please come by and take a look!
  6. Pre-K Year end Celebration – Tomorrow June 23 (AM at 10:00am/PM at 1:30pm).
  7. K3 – Grad Celebration – Tomorrow June 23 (PM).
  8. All Library Books Must be returned by tomorrow June 23.
  9. Gr. 1H/1S/1/2R – Spray Park tomorrow June 23.
  10. Healthy Hunger – Tomorrow is Subway.

Happy Birthday – Lexi B. (7E) Alek F. (3P)

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