This month’s virtue is helpfulness. Helpfulness is providing assistance or being useful. When we are giving of assistance, we are doing a great service to others, and honestly, to ourselves. Helpfulness is reaching out to others. It is a way of showing care or help to a person to make his or her life easier or better. Some things you can think about while we learn more about helpfulness is:
- What are some examples of how people demonstrate helpfulness?
- Why is it important for people to be helpful?
- What are some ways you can be helpful?
The reason we are going to focus on helpfulness in February is because it helps us feel better about ourselves when we are helpful and it makes other people around us more happy. We want to help more people have a helpful spirit so that our school, community, and world can be changed for the better.
The SLT is selling Crush and Candy Grams at lunch this week. All items are $2
- Thursday, February 2- Skating Classes
- Thursday, February 2- Badminton Practice @ 3:10
- Friday, February 3- Healthy Hunger- Boston Pizza
Happy Birthday to Maezii C (K), Tevez E (Gr5) and Piper H (K)!