Monday, March 6- Announcements

MADD Smart Wheels will be at Lake Vista today and tomorrow to share with our grade 4-6 classes.

The grade 5 and 6 classes will be having a hotdog sale Tuesday, March 14. Watch for order forms going home today, they are due back at the school by Friday, March 10.

Students in grades 4-8 can sign up for the Saskatoon MaraFun Marathon with Mr. Campbell. Registration and more information can be found at

  • Tuesday, March 7- Gr 5&6 Basketball practice at 8am
  • Tuesday, March 7- Gr 7&8 Badminton at 3:15
  • Wednesday, March 8- Skating for classes 1/2, 3/4, 4M, 4G, 6C, 6W, 7/8
  • Thursday, March 9- Gr 7&8 Badminton at 3:15
  • Friday, March 10- Healthy Hunger- Taco Time
  • Monday, March 13- PD Day- No School

Happy Birthday to Eliana C (PK), Jackson R (PK) and Anlie W (Gr1)!

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