1. Any Grade 4-8 students interested in singing for the Christmas Concert: Our first practice will be Wed, Nov 21st at lunch recess in the music room.
  2. SCC Meeting Tonight at 6:00pm. Everyone is Welcome! Free babysitting is provided.
  3. Book and Muffin Morning – Friday, Nov 23rd from 8:00-9:00am.
  4. SLT Meeting – Tuesday at noon. Bring your lunch.
  5. Picture Retake Order Forms are due Wednesday, Nov 21st.
  6. Grade 7-8 Boys Basketball: Mrs. Paulsen will take any last Basketball permission forms today. Please bring them up to her room.
  7. The SCC and SLT will be selling some concession items Friday, Nov 23rd. Each class will get a chance to make a purchase shortly before lunch time. Items will be $1 – $2.

Happy Birthday – Jarren C. (7/8)

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