Healthy Hunger

If your student(s) would like Jerry’s for lunch on March 28th, please place your order today!

To order and pay for the hot lunches, visit Once on the website, follow the steps listed below:

Step 1:  Register under Students and Parents
Step 2:  Add Student or Students to your account.

Ordering your Meals
Step 1:  View Upcoming Orders
Step 2:  Select the Order Date you would like to order for.
Step 3:  Select menu items.
Step 4:  Pay for Order.

Upcoming Hot Lunches:
Apr 5 – Booster Juice
Apr 12 – Tim Horton’s
Apr 18 – Pizza Hut 
May 3 – Jerry’s
May 10 – Subway
May 16 – Pizza Hut
May 24 – Booster Juice
May 30 – Tim Horton’s

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