The virtue that we will be focusing on this month is forgiveness. Forgiveness means letting go of hard feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration that happen when you or someone else makes a mistake. It’s saying “Thank you” or “That’s okay” when someone apologizes and not staying upset about what they did. It’s having patience with yourself and others, and recognizing that no one is perfect—everyone makes mistakes. It’s letting go of hurt feelings, and moving ahead, ready to do things.
It doesn’t mean that suddenly what someone did doesn’t hurt or isn’t wrong. It means that you find it in your heart to give the person another chance.
For the month of May classes will do some activities around forgiveness. We look forward to see and hear what you have learned and watch you practice it at school and away from the school.
Friday’s Riddle: You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter. But not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?……… Answer: The letter R!
Todays Riddle: Which is heavier: A ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
- Tuesday, May 2- Grade 8’s go to MHS for a play
- Wednesday, May 3- Grade 5 fieldtrip to Clip n Climb and swimming
- Wednesday, May3- Grade 3 Plant Club- 3:10-3:45
- Thursday, May 4- Spirit Day- Star Wars
- Friday, May 5- Healthy Hunger- Pizza Hut
- Friday, May 12- No School!
Happy Birthday to Emery Y (Gr5)!