SCC Election May 10th at 6:30pm

School Community Councils A primary link between the home, community and school. Our School Community Council (SCC) supports student learning success and well-being and encourages parent and community involvement in the school. Prairie Spirit School Division believes that involvement with SCCs is a rewarding and meaningful activity for parent and…

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Got Talent?

Grades 4 through 8 performers wanted!!  Can you sing?  Do you play an instrument?  Is dance your thing?  Are you secretly a magician?  Or do you have some other entertaining skill? Lake Vista School will be showcasing all the wonderful talents of our students at the end of May in…

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Pre-Kindergarten Applications Are Now Being Accepted

We are now accepting Pre-K registrations.  The forms are available at Lake Vista School, Venture Heights School, Valley Manor School and Ecole Holy Mary.  You can also print your own form HERE. The deadline for applications is May 25, 2018.  There will an open house on April 18th at Lake Vista School…

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Tracking Your Child’s School Bus with MyStop

MyStop is available to students and parents for tracking their school bus.  MyStop allows a student or parent to view when their bus is expected to arrive at their home (morning and afternoon).  The app also provides additional benefits that allow transportation staff to send notifications to the app alerting…

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