School Video

The video link below is the same one that was used at the parent meetings last month. There has been a lot of work done inside the school since the pictures in this video were taken. I will be able to tour the school again this week and I will…

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Playground Meeting Tonight

We are having our first playground meeting tonight. The meeting will be at Venture Heights School starting at 7:00. At our meeting we will be discussing our playground, our logo and school name, and school pictures. We would like to welcome any parents whose children may attend Lake Vista in…

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Lake Vista Update

We had very successful meetings on Monday, February 13 and Wednesday, February 15. I would like to thank everyone for coming out to those meetings. Below is some attached information about Lake Vista. The excitement for the school is building. Many families have committed to having their children attend Lake…

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Lake Vista Information

Parent Communication – Lake Vista – January 2017 The attachment above will provide you with some information about Lake Vista Public School, which will be opening in September, 2017. We have another parent information meeting tonight at the Northridge Center. The meeting will start at 7:00. There will be a…

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Affinity Credit Union

A huge thank you to Affinity Credit Union for donating $5000.00 to our playground. This is our first donation and it is very exciting that the ball is rolling. We really appreciate Affinity Credit Union’s generosity. Lake Vista will be fundraising for our playground with Holy Mary School (our neighbour).…

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