Monday, November 21- Announcements

Empathy is our virtue this month- “Be the one who makes others feel included”. The grade 5 and 6 classes will be coming around this morning selling candy bags again for $2 Progress Reports will be out on Edsby on Friday, November 25! Make sure you have logged into your…

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Friday, November 18- Announcements

Picture retakes are this morning. Let your child’s teacher know if you are wanting retakes done! November 25 progress reports will be going out on Edsby. Make sure you have logged into your Edsby account so you can have access to the progress report! Grade 5 and 6 classes will…

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Today, November 17, is the last day to order pictures! Friday, November 18 is picture retake day. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are wanting to have picture retakes done!

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Thursday, November 17- Announcements

Progress reports are going out Friday, November 25 on Edsby. Make sure you have logged into Edsby so you have access to your child’s progress reports! Grades 5 and 6 are having a candy bag fundraiser tomorrow. Students can bring $2 to buy a candy bag. Picture retakes are tomorrow-…

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Tuesday, November 15- Announcements

Great job Lake Vista students! We are currently at 40% towards our fundraising goal of $12,000 for the Purdy’s fundraiser.  Keep up the good work with those chocolate sales! 1S is currently in the lead for the top selling classroom, but there is lots of time left to catch up. There…

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