Tues, Sept 27- Announcements
Cross country practice tomorrow at 12:15. Watch out for more information coming home about the next meet. Reminder- NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 30 for National Day For Truth and Reconciliation! No Birthdays today
Cross country practice tomorrow at 12:15. Watch out for more information coming home about the next meet. Reminder- NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 30 for National Day For Truth and Reconciliation! No Birthdays today
Cross Country practice today at 12:15 SLT will have a meeting tomorrow at 12:15 The students will have an assembly on Thursday September 29, for orange shirt day. Reminder: NO SCHOOL Friday, September 30 for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Happy Birthday to Kayden K (Gr3) who celebrated yesterday!
Thank you to Swan Pizza in Martensville for donating pizzas to our staff and grade 8 class! It was very kind of you!
The SCC is continuing their ongoing fundraiser, Mable’s Labels. Be on the lookout for more information coming home with your students in the next couple of days!
Our Terry Fox walk is today! Final donations can be sent to https://schools.terryfox.ca/LakeVistaSchool. Healthy Hunger is today- Pizza Hut! Log into Healthy Hunger for more information or to order next weeks lunch. Next week Healthy Hunger will be on Thursday, September 29. Reminder: NO SCHOOL Friday, September 30 for The National Day for…
Terry Fox Walk is tomorrow, Friday September 23. Bring a toonie! Donations can also be sent to https://schools.terryfox.ca/LakeVistaSchool. Healthy Hunger is tomorrow- Pizza Hut! Log into Healthy Hunger for more information or to order next weeks lunch. NExt week Healthy Hunger will be on Thursday, September 29. Reminder: NO SCHOOL Friday, September 30…