Wednesday April 14th

There were no Birthdays at Lake Vista Today. Just a reminder that Friday is Healthy Hunger lunch provided by Taco Time. Riddle of the Day: What do you call a bunny with fleas? Bugs Bunny!

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Monday April 12th

Welcome Back! We have no Birthdays Today. The Lake Vista Community Council will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday May 11th at 6:00pm over Zoom. Elections will be held for the following positions: Chair, Secretary and 2 Executive Members. If you are interested in attending our meeting or…

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Thursday April 1st

We have three Birthdays Today: Happy Birthday To: Luna D. in Pre K., Rylie K. in 1R and Mariah M. in 5/6J. A Big Thank You to everyone that wore blue today to show support for Autism Awareness. Domino’s Pizza will be suppling Healthy Hunger Lunch Today. Just a reminder…

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Wednesday March 31st

We have two Birthdays Today: Happy Birthday to Alyssa B. in K3 and Ella D in 3P. Just a reminder to wear blue tomorrow to show your support for Autism Awareness. Healthy Hunger lunch tomorrow is Domino’s Pizza. Fun Fact of the Day: Regina Saskatchewan is the geographical center of…

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