Fair Notice to Parents Regarding COVID-Symptoms

As we start the 2020-21 school year, we feel it would be prudent to share some of the direction we are getting from our partners in the Ministry of Health regarding when students display symptoms consistent with COVID-19 at school. For a current list of symptoms and the Provincial Self-Assessment Tool, please visit this link.

The direction we are currently provided from Health for the start of school is that all students who are at school who display with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will need to be sent home, and parents will be asked to call 811 and follow the directions provided from Public Health. Students should only return to school after they have been symptom-free for a minimum of 48 hours, though families should follow the direction of the Public Health Officials in these matters. Staff will have no discretion with following through with these directives, and have been told by Health that there should be no exemptions from this process for the initial start-up of the school year, even those students who may have allergy symptoms that align to COVID-19 symptoms. After the initial testing and response has been completed, specific accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis moving forward.  

It is important that students not be sent to school when they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19. We urge families to self-monitor and have a plan in place in the event that these symptoms do become evident. We thank you for your patience as we work together to keep our students, staff, and communities safe.

Recess/Noon Hour Schedule

Recess Schedule:
10:05-10:20: Cohorts: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4, Grade 5 & 6
10:30-10:45: Cohorts: Grade 2 & 2/3, Grade 3, Grade 5/6 & 8, & Grade 7

Noon Hour:
12:15-12:55: Cohorts: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4, Grade 5 & 6
12:05-12:45: Cohorts: Grade 2 & 2/3, Grade 3, Grade 5/6 & 8, & Grade 7

School Safe Plan 2020-2021

September 8, 2020 will be the first day of school for students. Not all students will return on the first day.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten families should have already received their specific schedule, calendar and return plan directly from their classroom teacher.

We will divide the grade one to eight classes in half (approximately) so that half the students in each class will attend each day for the first week. Regular student attendance will resume September 14 unless otherwise directed.

Students with family name’s starting with the letters A-K will attend on: •Tuesday, September 8 for a full day.
•Thursday, September 10 for a full day.

Students with family name’s starting with the letters L-Z will attend on: •Wednesday, September 9 for a full day.
•Friday, September 11 for a full day.

PowerSchool Parent Demographic Update

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

We are requiring parent(s)/guardian(s) to update their contact information including any seasonal/enviromental allergies and emergency contacts incase a student needs to be picked up if they are showing any COVID-19 symptoms (as per our return to school plan).

Please update your information before September 4th. We will be contacting you if demographics have not been updated after the 4th.

Please use the following link for instructions:


Thank you,

Chris Mason,

Return to School Plan

Good Afternoon Lake Vista Families,

We are very pleased to share this information with you regarding the students return and opening to our school. 

Please know as we begin the school year there may be changes to our school plan.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

We look forward to seeing the students back in school.


Thank you,

Chris Mason