Dress for the Weather

Please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for weather conditions. It’s essential that students dress appropriately and bring jackets, ski pants, toques, scarves, and mitts as necessary. Please make sure students always have sufficient outdoor clothing in the event of an emergency. 

Lost & Found

Is your child missing mitts, touque, ski pants, sweaters or any other items? If so, it can probably be found here! Our lost and found will be out until February 14, then it will be donated. Please come down and claim any items that belong to you!!


  1. Choir – Gr. 3-8 on Thurs at 12:35. Everyone Welcome!
  2. Movie Night – Thurs, Feb 13 at 6:00pm.
  3. Track – Practice today in small gym at lunch. Please be there!
  4. Lego Club – Gr. 5/6.
  5. Orff – Practice today at 12:30.
  6. Sr. Boys Basketball – Game today at 3:30 in the large gym vs. Hague.

Happy Birthday – Kaleb W. (3LD)

Mon, Feb 10th – Announcements

  1. Lego Club – Grade 4
  2. 10:00 – 11:00 Skating – Grade Pre-K, 2C & 2R
  3. 3:20 – Curling
  4. Sr. Boys Basketball Game vs. Hague. Tomorrow, Feb 11th at 3:30.
  5. Grades 5 – 8 Indoor Relay Practice – Feb 11th at Lunchtime.
  6. Movie Night at Lake Vista Public School Gymnasium Thursday, February 13, 2020 6:00 pm-8:30 pm Come and join us in watching Disney’s Aladdin (2019)! We will be selling treats including candy bags, popcorn, and drinks. All of the proceeds will be donated to Martensville KidSport. Come and support a great cause!

2019 Coronavirus

The purpose of this message is to share information regarding the Coronavirus (2019-Novel Coronavirus), as provided by the provincial Ministry of Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Detailed information and updates regarding the Coronavirus are available on the Government of Canada website and the Government of Saskatchewan website. Individuals who have concerns about their health can call the provincial HealthLine at 811 for advice and support.

The Public Health Agency of Canada now recommends that travelers returning from Hubei Province in China should self-isolate for 14 days. They also recommend self-isolation for anyone who has been in close contact with a person who is ill with the Coronavirus. Self-isolation means individuals should not attend school, work, daycare, or sporting, cultural, social and religious gatherings.

At this time, Saskatchewan does not have a confirmed case of the Coronavirus, and the risk to Canadians remains low.

Prairie Spirit School Division follows the direction of the Ministry of Health and the Saskatchewan Health Authority in this regard to ensure the safety of our students and staff members.


  1. Gr. 5-8 Table Tennis – Today in the small gym.
  2. Healthy Hunger – Subway.
  3. Lego Club – Grade 3.

Happy Birthday – 8th: Brielle R. (K1) Nicolas V. (K2) Mrs. Linner. 9th: Lilly B. (7E)