1. Choir – Practice today at lunch recess in the music room.
  2. SLT – Meeting today at lunch
  3. SCC – Meeting on Thurs, Dec 6th @ 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome! Free babysitting will be provided.

Happy Birthday – Pace H. (3P)

Attendance and Lates

Please use the following procedure when reporting your child’s absence or tardiness:

  1. If you know beforehand that your child is going to be absent or late, please email the classroom teacher and the office explaining the circumstance before he or she will be absent.
  2. If you do not know beforehand please call or email the school and let the office know. If we do not receive notice, our automated system will attempt to contact a parent. There is an answering machine on before/after hours so you can leave a message. Please include the child’s first name, last name and classroom teacher in your message.
  3. Students who arrive at school after the bell are expected to report to the office before proceeding to their classroom so their absence status can be changed to a late status.

SCC Meeting

The Lake Vista SCC would like to invite everyone to our next meeting. Your ideas, suggestions or help is always greatly appreciated! The next SCC meeting will be Thursday, December 6th at 6:00pm at the school! Free babysitting is provided!


  1. Choir – Practice Wed and Fri at lunch recess in the music room.
  2. SLT – Meeting tomorrow at lunch.
  3. SCC – Meeting on Thursday at 6:00pm. There will be free babysitting provided!

Happy Birthday – Katherine G. (K) Brooklyn N. (7/8)


Happy December!??

  1. Choir – We have practice today, Wednesday and Friday at lunch recess in the music room. These are our last practices before the xmas concert.

No Birthdays today.