
Congratulations to Kelsey M. from Grade 6G! She won the Bright Lights Award for CBC’s 40 under 40! Keep up the great work Kelsey!


  1. Gr. 7/8 Boys Basketball – Permission forms are due today. Please bring them up to Mrs. Paulsen’s classroom.
  2. Any Gr. 4-8 Students interested in singing for the Christmas Concert: Our first practice will be Wed, Nov 21st at lunch recess in the music room.
  3. Book and Muffin Morning – Friday, Nov 23rd from 8:00-9:00am.
  4. The next SCC Meeting will be Monday, Nov 19th at 6:00pm at the school. Everyone is Welcome! Free babysitting is provided.
  5. Gr. 7 & 7/8 – Field Trip today to Can-Am/Bowling.

Happy Birthday – 16th: Nathan B. (7/8) Ellie C. (4M) Leif T. (PK) 17th: Alexander M. (3P) Avery P. (4/5) Kassidy P. (4/5)

Book and Muffin Morning – Friday, Nov 23rd

Lake Vista School is excited to host the first Book and Muffin Morning of this school year on Friday November 23 from 8:00am-9:00 am. This event is quickly becoming one the favourite events for staff, parents and students. It is a great way to spend time with your child and make stronger connections within our Lake Vista School Community.

Families will have the chance to spend some time reading in the library, or other cozy spots around the school, and enjoy muffins, coffee or tea. Be sure to bring your own mug.

We look forward to seeing everyone on the 23rd for some visiting, reading and muffins!

Lake Vista SCC

The Lake Vista SCC would like to invite everyone to our next meeting. Your ideas, suggestions or help is always greatly appreciated! The next SCC meeting will be Monday, November 19th at 6:00pm at the school! Free babysitting is provided!

Lake Vista SCC

A big THANK YOU to all the families that participated in the Farm to School/Toonberry Fundraiser! Thanks to your efforts we raised $3960 to go towards our playground. The top 3 selling families will be making a donation to the Martensville Free Pantry. The Martensville Messenger and Clark’s Crossing Gazette will be on location to take some pictures so keep your eyes open for that in the coming editions.

Along with the Martensville Free Pantry, we also donated to the following organizations:


Saskatoon Food Bank

Crisis Nursery

Ronald McDonald House

Everyone was very thankful for the donations and we are very proud to be supporting such great causes! We weren’t able to get pictures at every location because some of the organizations came to pick up but here are the pictures we did get!

Lake Vista SCC