Wed, Oct. 10th – Announcements

  1.  There is a SLT meeting today at noon.  All SLT members please bring your lunch to the SLT room at the bell.
  2.   Volley ball games after school today.  Please come to the gym right after  school to help set up.
  3.    At Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on Octber 17th & 18th from 4:30pm-6:30pm the SCC will be available with parent volunteer forms and the RCMP will be there as well to do criminal record checks as they are needed for some volunteer jobs.  All parents need to bring is your photo ID.


Jacob B.(7E), Abby B.(6G), Briana F. (4M), Charlie N. (K1), Michael P. (1H)



  1. There will be a Volleyball meeting in Mrs. Rezeanu’s classroom right at the beginning of the lunch today. If you signed up to play, PLEASE attend – even if you are no longer interested.
  2. There will be an SLT Meeting tomorrow at noon. Please bring your lunch and meet in the SLT room at the bell.
  3. Tomorrow is Picture Day (Pre K, K1 & Grade 1 – 8). K2 will have their pictures taken on Thursday.
  4. Cross Country Runners: If anyone still has their jersey, please bring it to Mrs. Kozak’s classroom ASAP.
  5. Choir practice today at lunch recess in the music room.

Happy Birthday – Ava M. (5P)


  1. Volleyball practice today after school at 3:30-4:30
  2. Congratulations to all of the cross country runners who participated in Districts yesterday.  Lake Vista had several top 10 finishers and you should all be pleased with your efforts this season.

    This event concludes our cross country season for this year and we hope to see you participate again next Fall.

  3. Choir: Practice today at lunch recess in the music room.
  4. We would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the staff, SCC, and families of Lake Vista School for the generous donation to our family from the Welcome Back BBQ.  We are grateful to belong to a school full of staff and students who want to reach out and help. We look forward to the day that Molly gets to join the Lake Vista family!

    Thank you,

    Kristin, Ian, Lily, Ella and Molly Dunville

Happy Birthday – 4th: Carter B. (7/8) 6th: Benjamin R. (2/3) 8th: Nicholas B. (7/8)