School Supplies to Generate Money for Playground!

This year, we are utilizing to make it quick and easy to order school supplies.  With each school supply kit that is ordered online, our school will receive $5 back,  which we will be putting towards our playground!

You can find more information and all the classroom supply lists here:  SUPPLY LISTS

Kindergarten Orientation May 10th

We will have 2 Kindergarten Orientations at Lake Vista School on Thursday, May 10th, and you are welcome to attend whichever session works best for you.  The first one runs from 2 pm until 3 pm and the second one runs from 4 pm until 5 pm.  We look forward to meeting all the Kindergarten students and their caregivers!

Student Talent Night

Please join us on May 23rd at 7pm 6:30pm for our first ever Student Talent Night.  Auditions are currently underway and we are excited to showcase our amazing students.

Transferring Students Between Martensville Schools

In order to finalize staffing for the 2018/2019 school year, we ask that any transfer requests for students wanting to move from one school to another next year be submitted by the end of the day on Friday, April 27th.

Please fill out this Transfer Form and email it to as soon as possible.

If your children are staying at their current school, you don’t need to do anything.

Parents will be notified of the outcome of their request the following week.  Thank you for your cooperation.

SCC Election May 10th at 6:30pm

School Community Councils

A primary link between the home, community and school.

Our School Community Council (SCC) supports student learning success and well-being and encourages parent and community involvement in the school. Prairie Spirit School Division believes that involvement with SCCs is a rewarding and meaningful activity for parent and community members. If you would like to make a difference at our school, please consider running in the upcoming SCC election. Parents and members of the community are eligible to run for the local SCC.

Our School Community Council has 4 positions open for members for two-year terms beginning fall, 2018. We have 5 members who will be remaining for their second year for 2018/19.

Our SCC election will be held May 10th, 2018 at Lake Vista Public School at 6:30pm.

This link will provide candidates with more information:  Candidate Information

Click here for nomination forms:  Nomination Form

Successful schools don’t just happen.

They need parent and community involvement!