Monday, January 9- Announcements

Welcome Back! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. We are excited to see all the kids back in the school!

Reminder- Ski forms are due back tomorrow, January 10 for students in grade 5-8

  • Monday, January 9- Kindergarten registration opens
  • Tuesday, January 10- Grade 4G Fieldtrip
  • Wednesday, January 11- Classes 7M, 7E, 5K, 5L, 2C, 2R, 1/2, 1R, 1S, 4M, 4G go skating
  • Friday, January 13- Healthy Hunger- Subway

Happy Birthday to Samara M (PreK), Mackenzie P (Gr 7) and Nickson R (Gr 6)!

Thursday, December 22- Announcements

Congratulations to our Family Festival Door Prize Winners!!! Harper H(Gr 5), Devyn H (Gr 2), Lyriq P(Gr3), Elise D (Gr3) and Alina P (Gr 2) all won a prize basket. Congrats to Boden F (Gr 2) for guessing the correct number at the Candy Guess!

Reminder: Grade 5, 6, 7,and 8 need to hand their ski forms in by January 10!

From all the staff at Lake Vista, we wish everyone a wonderful and safe Christmas holiday! We will see everyone back in classes on Monday, January 9, 2023!

Happy Birthday to: Dec 23- Josie A (Gr 3), Mason S (Gr5), Krishan S (Gr 5), Liv S (Gr6). Dec 24- Nathaniel C (Gr 7), Nova D (Gr1). Dec 25- Lily D. Dec 27- Julia J 9Gr4), Eric M (Gr7). Dec 31- Aubryn C (Gr 3), Ellia K (Gr 1), Chongwen S (Gr4). Jan 1- Cameron K (Gr 3). Jan 2- Natalie G (PrK), Samuel P (Gr 3). Jan 3- Arie B (Gr 7). Jan 4- Arnav S (Gr1). Jan 5-Rachel H (Gr7). Jan 6- Della M (Gr4). Jan 7- Chevy B (Gr6)

Wednesday, December 21- Announcements

Lost & Found- Please remind your student to check the lost and found table by the front doors! Anything left on it by the end of tomorrow will be donated!

Last Day of Classes Tomorrow, and it is Christmas Spirit Day- PJ Day!

Healthy Hunger- Taco Time tomorrow

No Birthdays today

School Buses CANCELLED for the Morning!

The combined temperature on Environment Canada at 6 AM was -47 in Saskatoon therefor all buses are cancelled for the morning route. We will decide on the status of the afternoon routes when the 12:00 noon temperature has been posted