Friday, November 25- Announcements

Tomorrow is the last day to order your Purdy’s Chocolates!

Happy Birthday to Lawson D (K) today! Happy Birthday to Emily B (Gr 3) and Brock V (K) who celebrate birthdays November 26!

Thursday, November 24- Announcements

Progress Reports will be out on Edsby tomorrow, Friday, November 25! Make sure you have logged into your Edsby account. Contact the office or your child’s teacher if you have any issues with Edsby.

There are only a few days left to order your Purdy’s Chocolates! Keep selling to your family and friends for a chance to win some amazing prizes! November 26 is the last day for orders!

  • November 24- K1 and K2 conferences
  • November 24- Grade 7 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- Grade 8 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- PreK Fieldtrip to WonderHub
  • November 25- Healthy Hunger- Subway
  • November 25- Progress Reports out on Edsby

Happy Birthday to Mila S (Gr 5) and Paige W (Gr 6)!

Wednesday, November 23- Announcements

There are only a few days left to order your Purdy’s Chocolates! Keep selling to your family and friends for a chance to win some amazing prizes! November 26 is the last day for orders!

Progress Reports will be out on Edsby on Friday, November 25! Make sure you have logged into your Edsby account. Contact the office or your child’s teacher if you have any issues with Edsby.

  • K1 Teacher Conferences- November 23 and 24
  • K2 Teacher Conferences- November 22 and 24
  • November 24- Grade 7 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- Grade 8 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- PreK Fieldtrip to WonderHub
  • November 25- Healthy Hunger- Subway

Happy Birthday to Miles S(Gr 4)!

Tuesday, November 22- Announcements

Make sure you have logged into your Edsby account! Progress reports go out on Friday, November 25 and will only be on Edsby! Contact your child’s teacher or the office if you have any issues with Edsby.

Thursday, November 24 is Spirit Day! Crazy Hair Day, Silly Sock Day and Anything But a Backpack Day, all in one day! Do all three or do one! Have some fun!

  • K1 Teacher Conferences- November 23 and 24
  • K2 Teacher Conferences- November 22 and 24
  • November 24- Grade 8 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- Grade 7 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- PreK Fieldtrip to WonderHub

No Birthdays to celebrate today

Monday, November 21- Announcements

Empathy is our virtue this month- “Be the one who makes others feel included”.

The grade 5 and 6 classes will be coming around this morning selling candy bags again for $2

Progress Reports will be out on Edsby on Friday, November 25! Make sure you have logged into your Edsby account. Contact the office or your students teacher if you have any issues with Edsby.

This is the last week to be selling Purdy’s Chocolates! Don’t pass up this great opportunity to help support the school in a delicious way!

  • K1 Teacher Conferences- November 23 and 24
  • K2 Teacher Conferences- November 22 and 24
  • November 24- Grade 8 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- Grade 7 Fieldtrip to Can Am Gymnastics and Eastview Bowling
  • November 25- PreK Fieldtrip to WonderHub

Happy Birthday to Beau T (Gr 2) who celebrated Nov 20 and to Kyler E (Gr1) who celebrates today!