Rapid Test Kits

Our Medical Health Officer recommends that schools send testing kits home with students for the holidays. The SHA encourages students to take a rapid test before returning to school after the break. We are sending home 1 box of rapid tests per student.


  1. Healthy Hunger – Today is Booster Juice, Tomorrow is Pizza Hut.
  2. Christmas Hampers are due tomorrow.
  3. PJ Day – Tomorrow.
  4. String Orchestra – No practice tomorrow.

No Birthdays today.


  1. Skating Today.
  2. Gr. 7/8 Swimming – Shaw Center.
  3. Healthy Hunger – Tomorrow is Booster Juice, Friday is Pizza Hut.
  4. Christmas Hampers – Due Friday.
  5. Friday – PJ Day & School Wide BINGO!
  6. Pre K Prep Day – Friday (no school).

Happy Birthday – Linkin B. (4L) Myah C. (6/7M)

Lost & Found

Is your child missing mitts, toque, sweaters or any other items?

If so, it can probably be found in our Lost and Founds. There is one across from the office and one located upstairs down the grade 2, 3 hallway.

Our Lost and Founds will be out until December 17th, then it will be donated.

Please have your student claim any items that belong to you!