Monday November 8, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Weston G, Carter L. and Thomas M.

Week At A Glance:

Wednesday November 10 – Photo Retakes

Wednesday November 10, – Healthy Hunger is Booster Juice

Wednesday November 10 – Classes will have A Remembrance Day virtual Assembly in their classes


We will be handing out Poppies on Wednesday to all the student any donations would be greatly appreciated and go to such a great cause taking care of our veterans.

Thursday November 4, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Harper H. and Emma M.

Taco Time is providing Healthy Hunger Lunch Today.

Just a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow.

Please Please Please Look closely at our Lost And Found Pictures we have a lot of clothing here and we have sent out announcements to the students but not much is being picked up and there are some nice winter coats here.

Wednesday November 3, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Khyra B. and Madison L.

Healthy Hunger Lunch Tomorrow is Taco Time

Joke Of The Day: Is from Elsa and McKinley in grade 1/2.

What do you call a snail on a boat?

A Snailer!

Tuesday November 2, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Ethan C.

Grade 8 Volleyball players have a game tonight after school at Lake Vista. Good Luck Team!

If your student is missing shoes or a winter coat, please have them come to the lost and found we seem to have a large collection.

Fun Fact of the Day: Did you know that there are only 4 words in the English language that end in “dous”.

They are: Tremendous, Horrendous, Stupendous and Hazardous.

Monday November 1, 2021

Welcome to November!!

We Have Three Birthdays Today: Happy Birthday To Camden and Dutch N. and Abby H.

Here is this week at a glance

Wednesday Nov. 3 – 6-8 Table Tennis

Thursday Nov 4 – 6-8 Table Tennis

Thursday Nov 4. – Healthy Hunger, Taco Time

Friday Nov. 5 – No School For Students

Joke of the day: What did the dalmation say after lunch?

That hit the spot!!

Friday October 29, 2021

We have one Birthday Today: Happy Birthday To Ella L.

Congratulations to Bennet P. in Mrs. Pellerin’s class he is our book fair $25.00 winner.

Thank you to everyone who supported our Scholastic book fair it was a huge success!

Halloween Joke Of The Day Is Provided By Mrs. Sorochuks K2 Class.

What is a Zombies favorite cereal?

Rice Creepies!

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween Everyone.