Tuesday September 14, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Kassia C. and Benjamin G.

Fun Fact of the Day: Your Fingernails grow faster in the cold!

Reminder: Thursday is our first day of Healthy Hunger, Pizza Hut is providing the meals.

Friday September 10, 2021

We have 2 Birthdays Today: Happy Birthday To Houston M. and Eva M.

Just a reminder that next Thursday September 16th we start Healthy Hunger so make sure you get your kids signed up for those great lunches.

Joke of the Day: What did the nose say to the finger?

Quit picking on me!

Tuesday September 7, 2021

Happy Birthday To Theron V.

Fun Fact of the Day: Did you know caterpillars have 12 eye!

Grade 4 – 8 sign up for cross country running with Mrs. Kozak. Your first practice will be tomorrow!

Friday September 3, 2021

Welcome Back Everyone! Its so great to see everyone this is going to be an exciting year!

Just a reminder that Monday is a holiday and there will be no school.

Healthy Hunger is going to be up and running again this year so look in our Parent Portal to sign up and look at the dates.

Have a great Weekend.