Friday June 11, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Devyn H. in K1 and Isaiah R. in K3

Joke of the Day: What did one wall say to the other wall?

I’ll meet you in the corner!

Thursday June 10, 2021

Healthy Hunger Tomorrow is Subway

Our Joke of the day came from Carson in 2R.

What is a boxers favorite drink?

Fruit Punch!

Tuesday June 8, 2021

Happy Birthday To Cameron J. in 2C and Lucy W. in 7M

Fun Fact of the Day: Did you know that the opposite side of a dice always add up to 7!

Friday June 4, 2021

Birthdays Today:

Happy Birthday To Owen T. in 7M

Today we have Pizza Hut for Healthy Hunger.

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, MONDAY JUNE 7TH.

Joke of the Day: What is a Ninja’s favorite drink?


Thursday June 2, 2021

Happy Birthday To: Hudson D in 5/6J and Corbin H. in 4B

Tomorrow is Healthy Hunger Lunch provided by Pizza Hut.

Joke of the Day: Why don’t elephant’s use the computer?

Their afraid of the mouse!

Thursday June 3, 2021

We have two Birthdays Today: Happy Birthday To, Hudson D. in 5/6J and Owen T in 7M.

Healthy Hunger Lunch Today is Pizza Hut.

Joke of the day: Why don’t elephants use computers?

Because their afraid of the mouse!