About Us
Langham Elementary School is located in the heart of Langham, Saskatchewan – about 32 kilometres north west of Saskatoon.
Our school is available for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students.
Registrations for the 2024-25 school year are still being accepted. Please register online at
Kindergarten 2025
If your child will be turning 5 years of age before December 31, 2025, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten starting in the fall of 2025. Please contact us at langhamelem@spiritsd.ca to put your child’s name on our list.
We are part of the Prairie Spirit School Division and believe:
– In quality education which strives to meet the unique and diverse needs of individual students
– In ongoing, consistent communication among parents, school and community
– That our school plays an important part in our community where everyone shares the responsibility for developing student relationships and future leaders
Our dedicated school staff:
– Individualizes programs to fulfill and extend the components of the Saskatchewan Curriculum but also the distinct needs of all our students
– Creates a safe, caring environment that engages students to be lifelong learners and promotes positive relationships
– Are surrounded by a supportive community and a strong and supportive school community council
We offer:
Full Day Alternating Kindergarten Program (either Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday with alternating Fridays)
Langham Elementary School:
A community engaged in academic development and personal growth
The School Day
8:35 —– Teachers are available to supervise students on the playground.
8:43 —– Class preparation bell
8:46 —– Classes begin.
10:30 —– Recess bell
10:45 —– Recess ends.
12:15 —– Noon hour begins.
12:35 —– Dismissal for outdoor playground
1:00 —– Lunch Recess ends.
3:01 —– Dismissal bell for bus students
3:06 —– Dismissal bell for town students
School Handbook
Please review the school handbook for 2024.25 for important information: