We are now accepting Registrations for 2024-2025!
If your child will be five years of age as of December 31, 2024, TheY may begin Kindergarten in September 2024. If you are new to the Langham Community and /or your child does not attend the Langham Preschool, please contact the school at langhamelem@spiritsd.ca to ensure that we have your pre-registration information. There will be an invitation sent out for our Kindergarten Orientation Evening in late spring.
If you would like to register your child(ren) for Kindergarten through to Grade 3, please complete the registration forms below and submit them to Langham Elementary at langhamelem@spiritsd.ca.
Please note: current Kindergarten students do not need to register for grade 1, this is done automatically.
Rural Bus Service
If your family requires rural busing service please follow the below link and go to the BusPlanner Web page (“Apply for bus service”) where you can submit an application for bus service. A student identification # will be required which you can get from our school at 306-283-4455 or langhamelem@spiritsd.ca . Please note, busing arrangements generally require at least 2 weeks before service is available.