Study Tips (attachment: Studying tips)

Test taking strategies (attachment: Test taking strategies)

Test Anxiety:

Conversations about Marijuana Use

A Teen’s Guide to Life Online

Time Together, Time Apart

Note to parents/guardians: Emergency Preparedness Planning
In addition to conducing fire and bus evacuation drills, schools need to practice for other kinds of potential emergencies. Two main ones include Lockdowns and Hold and Secures.

Lockdown is defined as the restriction of movement during the time of a potentially serious violent incident. Schools go into lockdown when there is a significant and immediate threat inside or in the direct vicinity of the building. During a lockdown students and staff take secured shelter, lock all classroom doors, and remain quiet.

Hold and Secure
Hold and Secure is for exterior emergency situations not related, but in close proximity, to the school. In this situation, any students outside the building come in. The exterior doors are locked and monitored by staff. Movement may be restricted depending upon the threat. School continues to function normally inside the building.

Information for parents on social media sites and apps:
Social Media Sites and APPs

Information for parents:
PSSD Letter to Parents re: Community Threat Assessment and Support Protocol

PSSD Busing guidelines for families

Learning resources:
MHS student guide for essay writing