Monthly Archives: June 2021

  • Subway, Awards and Final Exams

    Posted on June 20, 2021 by in Uncategorized

    Perdue School will be celebrating student achievements on Monday, June 21st with a mini-awards ceremony. Elementary Legion awards as well as high school academic awards will be handed out. Also on Monday, the school’s booth will be supplying be a free Subway lunch for all students and staff. Final exams start for grade 9-12 students […]

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  • Steelers Showcase

    Posted on June 7, 2021 by in Uncategorized

    This month’s Steelers Showcase highlights the work of Mrs. Comerford and Mrs. Redden towards their professional development goal this year. Mrs. Comerford focused on building stronger relationships and Mrs. Redden concentrated on curricular big ideas. Please click on the Steelers Showcase tab for more information on their learning journey.

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