• Christmas Spirit

    The JR. SRC has decided to create excitment around the donations for the village of Perdue Secret Santa.  During the weeks of December 4-8 and 11-15, the JR. SRC will be energetically coming around to each classroom to collect any dry good items that may have been brought in that day.  We are always looking to show tht we care and spread Christmas cheer!  That’s what many wish for this Christmas and the Jr. SRC wants to help do their part by organizing the excitment around collecting items!

    Here are some dry goods ideas if you’re looking for inspiration on what to bring for donations:

    • Pantry baking items like flour, sugar, quick oats, spices, etc.
    • Pantry staple items like rice, dry cereal, powdered milk, crackers, dry pasta etc
    • Any canned items

    The JR.SRC will be coming around to collect items directly after O Canada every morning!  If a donation item is forgotten one day, not to worry; they’ll be back again the next day!

    Thank you in advance for your thoughtful donations!

    Also We are having Christmas Hat Days! – Every Friday from now until Christmas Holidays wear a Christmas Hat – get a Christmas treat.

    -Perdue School Jr. SRC 2023

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