It is important that we clarify for our students and parents our policy on homework and late assignments. There has been much dialogue in the media over the last couple of years related to homework, late assignments and the issue of no zeros. The purpose and the spirit of our policy is to demonstrate and emphasize to our students that we expect homework/assignments to be handed in on time and that there are measures that are taken if work is not handed in on time (Due Dates are Important). Our expectation is that teachers speak with students regarding the homework/assignments that were overdue and to create a plan as to how students are going to complete the work through coming in at noon or before/after school. It is also our expectation that teachers are calling/emailing parents to let them know that their children had homework/assignments that are overdue. It is also our expectation that Administration will be informed if students do not show up for their assigned time at noon or before/after school.
Ultimately we want and need to see evidence of student learning. The purpose of assessment is to inform instruction, not for marks to be used in a punitive manner. Homework should be meaningful for the student and support curriculum objectives. We also are asking staff to be reflective on the amount of homework that is assigned. Our policy is not about giving zeros (O’s); it is about working with students to get their work done. Ultimately if students choose to hand nothing in after all interventions have been tried collaboratively by the school and home, then a student may receive a zero for not submitting the required work.