Emergency Procedures:

Each year, schools in Prairie Spirit School Division complete, update, and practice safety plans to mitigate a variety of situations. Here are a few helpful tips for your family:

Emergency Lunch Kit: 

You never know what sort of emergency we might face in Saskatchewan, so we’d like to make sure all students have an emergency lunch kit.  Please send a large Ziploc bag with a water bottle, and several shelf-friendly lunch items that don’t require refrigeration or reheating.  Some suggestions would be granola bars, protein bars, crackers, beef jerky, dried fruit, etc. ​

Please make sure the Ziploc bag is labeled with your child’s name.  ​

If the items aren’t used at the end of the year, you’ll have one day you don’t have to pack a lunch! ​

Thanks so much! 

Power Outages:
Power outages are fairly common in our area. While a short power outage might be inconvenient, classes can usually continue with only minor disruptions. If a power outage lasts more than 2 hours, it becomes more difficult to keep students at school, as we don’t have access to water (and thus washrooms). If there is a power outage in the area, you can check for updates here: https://www.saskpower.com/Outages/PowerOutages/Outage-Updates
If your child needs to be picked up due to a power outage, a message will go out through the school office on our Edsby system. Please note, during an outage, staff will have limited access to Wi-Fi, email,
batteries, lights, and phones.

Outdoor Gear:

Cold weather is a reality for much of the year in Saskatchewan. Our school wants our students to be able to enjoy being outside for recesses, weather permitting. We also want students to be safe on their bus ride to and from school. Please consider the temperature and weather conditions when assisting your child with clothing for the day. Winter coats, boots, hats, neck warmers, mittens and ski pants are needed on these cold days and students are expected to go out for recess. We check the weather conditions before each recess. There will be times with the weather and the wind chill that we plan an indoor recess. Students will typically stay in their classrooms on those days, but at times may be given the opportunity for a “Polar Bear” activity, such as a quick jog to the hill and back, short play on the playground, or a little outdoor learning time in our forest (weather and wind chill permitting).