Student Behaviour:


Prairie Spirit School Division and South Corman Park School believe that families, staff and students must work together to ensure that learning occurs in a safe and nurturing environment.

Behaviour expectations and disciplinary actions are created with the assumption that students have an awareness of appropriate behaviours and are able to practice them regularly with independent self-control. From time to time, students need additional supports with the goal of working together, and learning new strategies for solving problems.

School Rules:

To achieve optimum success, students are expected to:

  • accept responsibility for personal actions
  • complete academic tasks to the best of their ability
  • come to school punctually each day, prepared and willing to learn
  • obey the rules of the school and other sites during school activities
  • demonstrate respect for self, others and property
  • be honest
  • use peaceful means to resolve conflict
  • use respectful language
  • leave dangerous, expensive or valued items at home
  • follow the rules for responsible technology use
  • play appropriately and safely, (for example, no throwing of stones or snowballs, no rough play of any type, no fighting, teasing, name calling or swearing)
  • report emergencies or concerns to a supervisor immediately